On-demand webinar

Hidden Gems in Kibana: Get the Most Out of Your Data


Kibana is quite powerful and versatile for visualizing data in Elasticsearch. And when you have a flexible tool like that, it's hard to know (and keep up with) everything that it can do. Just look at all of the things that MacGyver can do with a Swiss Army knife.

In this webinar, Kibana product experts will demo many of their favorite Kibana features — some new and some hidden gems — that let them make the most of their data.

Some of the features that we will cover are:

  • Discover your data like a Kibana pro
  • Transforming index fields on the fly with scripted fields
  • Visualizing time series data — beyond the basics
  • Going beyond line, bar, and pie charts with Vega
  • Drilling down on dashboards with input controls
  • Locking down your views with "Dashboard Only" mode

Bonus: With the recently introduced sample dataset that ships with Kibana, you can take all these tips and tricks for a spin in your own Kibana.

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