On-Demand Video

Preparing for the Elastic Certified Engineer Exam


Elasticsearch skills are in high demand, and there's no better way to prove you're an expert than becoming an Elastic Certified Engineer. Why? Because our performance-based certification exam requires solving real-world tasks, in real time, on Elasticsearch clusters - without any tricky multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank questions.

Passing this exam is a significant measure of your Elasticsearch skills. In this video, we will put your mind at ease and prepare you for the latest version of the exam by walking through the exam process. This video demonstrates what a live exam looks like, and even works through several examples to illustrate the types of tasks you can expect on the exam.

If you want to join our growing community of certified professionals and enhance your resume, watch this video.

Topics covered

  • Preparing for the Elastic Certified Engineer Exam
  • Overview of the exam
  • Registering and scheduling the exam
  • Understanding the exam environment
  • Completing a sample exam task
  • Best practices and helpful tips

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