
Machine learning jobs can analyze data that is stored in Elasticsearch or data that is sent from some other source via an API. Datafeeds retrieve data from Elasticsearch for analysis, which is the simpler and more common scenario.

If you create jobs in Kibana, you must use datafeeds. When you create a job, you select an index pattern and Kibana configures the datafeed for you under the covers. If you use machine learning APIs instead, you can create a datafeed by using the create datafeeds API after you create a job. You can associate only one datafeed with each job.

For a description of all the datafeed properties, see Datafeed Resources.

To start retrieving data from Elasticsearch, you must start the datafeed. When you start it, you can optionally specify start and end times. If you do not specify an end time, the datafeed runs continuously. You can start and stop datafeeds in Kibana or use the start datafeeds and stop datafeeds APIs. A datafeed can be started and stopped multiple times throughout its lifecycle.

If the data that you want to analyze is not stored in Elasticsearch, you cannot use datafeeds. You can however send batches of data directly to the job by using the post data to jobs API.