Suspicious Zoom Child Processedit

A suspicious Zoom child process was detected, which may indicate an attempt to run unnoticed. Verify process details such as command line, network connections, file writes and associated file signature details as well.

Rule type: eql

Rule indices:

  • winlogbeat-*
  • logs-windows.*

Severity: medium

Risk score: 47

Runs every: 5 minutes

Searches indices from: now-9m (Date Math format, see also Additional look-back time)

Maximum alerts per execution: 100


  • Elastic
  • Host
  • Windows
  • Threat Detection
  • Defense Evasion

Version: 8 (version history)

Added (Elastic Stack release): 7.10.0

Last modified (Elastic Stack release): 8.4.0

Rule authors: Elastic

Rule license: Elastic License v2

Investigation guideedit

Rule queryedit

process where event.type in ("start", "process_started", "info") and : "Zoom.exe" and : ("cmd.exe",
"powershell.exe", "pwsh.exe", "powershell_ise.exe")

Threat mappingedit


Rule version historyedit

Version 8 (8.4.0 release)
  • Formatting only
Version 6 (8.2.0 release)
  • Formatting only
Version 5 (7.16.0 release)
  • Updated query, changed from:

    process where event.type in ("start", "process_started", "info") and : "Zoom.exe" and : ("cmd.exe",
    "powershell.exe", "pwsh.exe")
Version 4 (7.12.0 release)
  • Formatting only
Version 3 (7.11.2 release)
  • Formatting only
Version 2 (7.11.0 release)
  • Updated query, changed from:

    event.category:process and event.type:(start or process_started) and and not or
    WerFault.exe or airhost.exe or CptControl.exe or CptHost.exe or
    cpthost.exe or CptInstall.exe or CptService.exe or Installer.exe or
    zCrashReport.exe or Zoom_launcher.exe or zTscoder.exe or
    plugin_Launcher.exe or mDNSResponder.exe or zDevHelper.exe or
    APcptControl.exe or CrashSender*.exe or aomhost64.exe or Magnify.exe
    or m_plugin_launcher.exe or or
    RoomConnector.exe or tabtip.exe or Explorer.exe or chrome.exe or
    firefox.exe or iexplore.exe or outlook.exe or lync.exe or
    ApplicationFrameHost.exe or ZoomAirhostInstaller.exe or narrator.exe
    or NVDA.exe or Magnify.exe or Outlook.exe or m_plugin_launcher.exe or
    mphost.exe or APcptControl.exe or winword.exe or excel.exe or
    powerpnt.exe or ONENOTE.EXE or wpp.exe or debug_message.exe or
    zAssistant.exe or msiexec.exe or msedge.exe or dwm.exe or
    vcredist_x86.exe or Controller.exe or Installer.exe or CptInstall.exe
    or Zoom_launcher.exe or ShellExperienceHost.exe or wps.exe)