Installing Reporting


Installing Reportingedit

Reporting 2.4.5 requires:

To install Reporting:

  1. If you haven’t already, install the License plugin in Elasticsearch by running bin/plugin in your Elasticsearch installation directory.

    bin/plugin install license
  2. Install the Reporting app into Kibana by running bin/kibana plugin in your Kibana installation directory.

    bin/kibana plugin --install kibana/reporting/latest
  3. Set the reporting.encryptionKey property in the kibana.yml configuration file. You can use any text string as the encryption key.

    reporting.encryptionKey: "something_secret"
  4. Windows users must set the property in the kibana.yml configuration file. You can use localhost to allow only local access, or the IP address of the host. You can not leave the default when using reporting on Windows. localhost

    If you are using Shield, see Using Kibana with Shield and Using Reporting with Shield for additional setup instructions.

  5. Start Kibana by running bin/kibana.
  6. To verify your Reporting installation, point your web browser at http://localhost:5601/ to open Kibana. The Generate Report button is added to the Toolbar:


If report generation fails with the error "Phantom immediately exited with: 127" you’ll need to install the libfontconfig and libfreetype6 packages.

For offline installation instructions and more, see Installing Reporting.

Installing the License plugin on a DEB/RPM Package Installationedit

If you use the DEB/RPM packages to install Elasticsearch, by default Elasticsearch is installed in /usr/share/elasticsearch and the configuration files are stored in /etc/elasticsearch. (For the complete list of default paths, see Directory Layout in the Elasticsearch Reference.)

To install the License plugin on a DEB/RPM package installation, you need to run bin/plugin install from the /usr/share/elasticsearch directory with superuser permissions:

cd /usr/share/elasticsearch
sudo bin/plugin install license

If the configuration files are not in /etc/elasticsearch you need to specify the location of the configuration files by including -Des.path.conf.

Installing Reporting on Offline Machinesedit

The Elasticsearch bin/plugin script and bin/kibana plugin require Internet access to download and install the License and Reporting plugins. If your server doesn’t have Internet access, you can manually download and install the plugins.

To install Reporting on a machine that doesn’t have Internet access:

  1. Manually download the License and Reporting binaries:

  2. Transfer the archive files to a temporary directory on the offline machine. (Do NOT put the archive files in the Elasticsearch plugins directory.)
  3. Specify the archive files when you run bin/plugin and bin/kibana. For example:

    bin/plugin install file:///path/to/file/
    bin/kibana plugin --install reporting --url file:///path/to/file/reporting-2.4.5.tar.gz

    You must specify an absolute path to the zip file after the file:// protocol.