Advanced Settingsedit

The Advanced Settings UI enables you to edit settings that control the behavior of Kibana. For example, you can change the format used to display dates, specify the default index pattern, and set the precision for displayed decimal values.

  1. Open the main menu, then click Stack Management > Advanced Settings.
  2. Scroll or search for the setting you want to modify.
  3. Enter a new value for the setting.
  4. Click Save changes.

Required permissionsedit

The Advanced Settings Kibana privilege is required to access Advanced Settings.

To add the privilege, open the menu, then click Stack Management > Roles.

Read only accessedit

When you have insufficient privileges to edit advanced settings, the following indicator in Kibana will be displayed. The buttons to edit settings won’t be visible. For more information on granting access to Kibana, see Granting access to Kibana.

Example of Advanced Settings Management’s read only access indicator in Kibana’s header

Kibana settings referenceedit

Modifying a setting can affect Kibana performance and cause problems that are difficult to diagnose. Setting a property value to a blank field reverts to the default behavior, which might not be compatible with other configuration settings. Deleting a custom setting removes it from Kibana permanently.



Set this property to true to quote exported values.


A string that serves as the separator for exported values.


The format to use for displaying pretty formatted dates.


The day that a week should start on.


The values that define the format to use to render ordered time-based data. Formatted timestamps must adapt to the interval between measurements. Keys are ISO8601 intervals.


The timezone that Kibana uses. The default value of Browser uses the timezone detected by the browser.


The format to use for displaying pretty formatted dates of Elasticsearch date_nanos type.


The index to access if no index is set. The default is null.


The default route when opening Kibana. Use this setting to route users to a specific dashboard, application, or saved object as they enter each space.


The top N most popular fields to show.


Set this property to false to prevent the filter editor from suggesting values for fields.


Set this property to true to make filters have a global state (be pinned) by default.


The default numeral pattern format for the "bytes" format.


The default numeral pattern format for the "currency" format.


A map of the default format name for each field type. Field types that are not explicitly mentioned use "_default_".


The numeral pattern locale.


The numeral pattern for the "number" format.


The numeral pattern for the "percent" format.


When date histograms use the auto interval, Kibana attempts to generate this number of bars.


To improve performance, limits the density of date and number histograms across Kibana using a test query. When the test query contains too many buckets, the interval between buckets increases. This setting applies separately to each histogram aggregation, and does not apply to other types of aggregations. To find the maximum value of this setting, divide the Elasticsearch search.max_buckets value by the maximum number of aggregations in each visualization.


In fields that have history, such as query inputs, show this many recent values.


The default placeholder value to use in Management > Index Patterns > Create Index Pattern.


Fields that exist outside of _source. Kibana merges these fields into the document when displaying it.


Affects the TSVB histogram density. Must be set higher than histogram:maxBars.


Allows a wildcard (*) as the first character in a query clause. Only applies when experimental query features are enabled in the query bar. To disallow leading wildcards in Lucene queries, use query:queryString:options.


Options for the Lucene query string parser. Only used when "Query language" is set to Lucene.


The number of objects to fetch for lists of saved objects. The default value is 1000. Do not set above 10000.


The number of objects to show on each page of the list of saved objects. The default is 5.


The query language to use in the query bar. Choices are KQL, a language built specifically for Kibana, and the Lucene query syntax.


Set this property to true to shorten long field names in visualizations. For example, show f.b.baz instead of


Options for the Elasticsearch sort parameter.


[preview] This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features. Kibana tracks UI state in the URL, which can lead to problems when there is a lot of state information, and the URL gets very long. Enabling this setting stores part of the URL in your browser session to keep the URL short.


Set to true to enable a dark mode for the Kibana UI. You must refresh the page to apply the setting.


The list of ranges to show in the Quick section of the time filter. This should be an array of objects, with each object containing from, to (see accepted formats), and display (the title to be displayed).


The default refresh interval for the time filter. Example: { "display": "15 seconds", "pause": true, "value": 15000 }.


The default selection in the time filter.


The maximum height that a cell occupies in a table. Set to 0 to disable truncation.


Deprecated. Instead, use Stack Management > Alerts and Actions to review and modify all the available alerts. Email address for X-Pack admin operations, such as cluster alert notifications from Stack Monitoring.



Turns off all unnecessary animations in the Kibana UI. Refresh the page to apply the changes.



Deprecated. Use feature privileges instead. The roles that belong to dashboard only mode.



The number of surrounding entries to display in the context view. The default value is 5.


The number by which to increment or decrement the context size. The default value is 5.


A comma-separated list of fields to use for breaking a tie between documents that have the same timestamp value. The first field that is present and sortable in the current index pattern is used.


The columns that appear by default on the Discover page. The default is _source.


The number terms that are visualized when clicking the Visualize button in the field drop down. The default is 20.


The number of rows to show in the Discover table.


The default sort direction for time-based index patterns.


Controls whether a search is executed when Discover first loads. This setting does not have an effect when loading a saved search.


Hides the "Time" column in Discover and in all saved searches on dashboards.


Highlights results in Discover and saved searches on dashboards. Highlighting slows requests when working on big documents.


Controls the way the document table looks and works. Set this property to true to revert to the legacy implementation.


Load fields from the original JSON _source. When disabled, Discover loads fields using the Elasticsearch search API’s fields parameter.

Machine learningedit


Use the default time filter in the Single Metric Viewer and Anomaly Explorer. If this setting is disabled, the results for the full time range are shown.


Sets the default time filter for viewing anomaly detection job results. This setting must contain from and to values (see accepted formats). It is ignored unless ml:anomalyDetection:results:enableTimeDefaults is enabled.


Sets the file size limit when importing data in the Data Visualizer. The default value is 100MB. The highest supported value for this setting is 1GB.



A custom banner intended for temporary notices to all users. Supports Markdown.


The duration, in milliseconds, for banner notification displays. The default value is 3000000. Set this field to Infinity to disable banner notifications.


The duration, in milliseconds, for error notification displays. The default value is 300000. Set this field to Infinity to disable error notifications.


The duration, in milliseconds, for information notification displays. The default value is 5000. Set this field to Infinity to disable information notifications.


The duration, in milliseconds, for warning notification displays. The default value is 10000. Set this field to Infinity to disable warning notifications.



A custom image to use in the footer of the PDF.



Enables the creation of index patterns that capture rollup indices, which in turn enables visualizations based on rollup data. Refresh the page to apply the changes.



Deprecated in 7.6. Starting in 8.0, this setting will be optimized internally. When disabled, dashboard panels will load individually, and search requests will terminate when users navigate away or update the query. When enabled, dashboard panels will load together when all of the data is loaded, and searches will not terminate.


Request preference to use when courier:setRequestPreference is set to "custom".


Skips filters that apply to fields that don’t exist in the index for a visualization. Useful when dashboards consist of visualizations from multiple index patterns.


Controls the max_concurrent_shard_requests setting used for _msearch requests sent by Kibana. Set to 0 to disable this config and use the Elasticsearch default.


Enables you to set which shards handle your search requests.

  • Session ID: Restricts operations to execute all search requests on the same shards. This has the benefit of reusing shard caches across requests.
  • Custom: Allows you to define your own preference. Use courier:customRequestPreference to customize your preference value.
  • None: Do not set a preference. This might provide better performance because requests can be spread across all shard copies. However, results might be inconsistent because different shards might be in different refresh states.


Includes frozen indices in results. Searching through frozen indices might increase the search time. This setting is off by default. Users must opt-in to include frozen indices.


Change the maximum timeout for a search session or set to 0 to disable the timeout and allow queries to run to completion.

Security solutionedit


The threshold above which machine learning job anomalies are displayed in the Elastic Security app.


A comma-delimited list of Elasticsearch indices from which the Elastic Security app collects events.


A JSON array containing links for verifying the reputation of an IP address. The links are displayed on IP detail pages.


Enables the security news feed on the Security Overview page.


The URL from which the security news feed content is retrieved.


The default refresh interval for the Security time filter, in milliseconds.


The default period of time in the Security time filter.



The default number of columns to use on a Timelion sheet.


The default number of rows to use on a Timelion sheet.


The default index when using the .es() query.


The default field containing a timestamp when using the .es() query.


[preview] This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features. Used with graphite queries, this is the URL of your graphite host in the form This URL can be selected from an allow-list configured in the kibana.yml under timelion.graphiteUrls.


The maximum number of buckets a single data source can return. This value is used for calculating automatic intervals in visualizations.


The smallest interval to calculate when using "auto".


[preview] This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features. Used with quandl queries, this is your API key from


Shows the Timelion tutorial to users when they first open the Timelion app.


Used for calculating automatic intervals in visualizations, this is the number of buckets to try to represent.



Enables the legacy charts library for aggregation-based area, line, and bar charts in Visualize.


This setting is deprecated and will not be supported as of 8.0. Maps values to specific colors in Visualize charts and TSVB. This setting does not apply to Lens.


The opacity of the chart items that are dimmed when highlighting another element of the chart. Use numbers between 0 and 1. The lower the number, the more the highlighted element stands out.


The maximum number of buckets a datasource can return. High numbers can have a negative impact on your browser rendering performance.


Shows a warning in a region map when terms cannot be joined to a shape.


The default properties for the WMS map server supported in the coordinate map.


The maximum geoHash precision displayed in tile maps. 7 is high, 10 is very high, and 12 is the maximum. For more information, refer to Cell dimensions at the equator.


Enables users to create, view, and edit experimental visualizations. When disabled, only production-ready visualizations are available to users.

Usage dataedit

Helps improve the Elastic Stack by providing usage statistics for basic features.