Elasticsearch version 7.17.19


Elasticsearch version 7.17.19edit

Also see Breaking changes in 7.17.

Known issuesedit

  • Due to a bug in the bundled JDK 22 nodes might crash abruptly under high memory pressure. We recommend downgrading to JDK 21.0.2 asap to mitigate the issue.
  • The deprecated index.mapper.dynamic setting can break your cluster. It can only be set using the Update index settings API. Symptoms include nodes failing to start or shards failing to allocate. Do not use this setting in versions prior to 7.17.22. The bug is fixed in 7.17.22. (issue: #109160)

Bug fixesedit

Ingest Node
  • Adding executedPipelines to the IngestDocument copy constructor #105427
Machine Learning
  • Detect 8.x ML nodes correctly #105653
  • Force execution of SearchService.Reaper #106544 (issue: #106543)
  • Update to latest Lucene bugfix version 8.11.3 #106365


Ingest Node
  • Adding a custom exception for problems with the graph of pipelines to be applied to a document #105196
  • Improving the performance of the ingest simulate verbose API #105265
  • Limiting the number of nested pipelines that can be executed #105428


  • Upgrade joda time to 2.12.6 #104720
Ingest Node
  • Upgrade mime4j on the 7.17 line #106380