
Securing Elasticsearch and Kibana is of paramount importance, to prevent unauthorized access by unknown users and unauthorized access by known users without the appropriate role required for authorization. In addition, securing the transport of data and communication between Elasticsearch, Kibana, the browser, or any other client by encrypting traffic is critical for data integrity.

The ARM template exposes a number of features for securing a deployment to Azure.

Authentication and Authorizationedit

The default template deployment applies a trial license to the cluster to enable Elastic Stack features, including Security, for a trial period of 30 days.

As part of the trial, Security features including Basic Authentication are enabled, by configuring true in Elasticsearch configuration. This prevents anonymous access to the cluster.

After the trial license period expires, the trial platinum features operate in a degraded mode.

You should update your license as soon as possible. You are essentially flying blind when running with an expired license. The license can be updated at any point before or on expiration, using the Update License API or Kibana UI, if available in the version deployed.

With Elasticsearch 6.3+, you can revert to a free perpetual basic license included with deployment by using the Start Basic API.

With Elasticsearch 6.2 and prior, you can register for free basic license and apply it to the cluster.

The following parameters are used to configure initial user accounts


Security password for : bootstrap.password key added to the Elasticsearch keystore. The bootstrap password is used to seed the built-in users and is necessary only for Elasticsearch 6.0 onwards.

If no value is supplied, a 13 character password will be generated using the ARM template uniqueString() function.


Security password for the elastic superuser built-in user account. Must be greater than six characters in length.

Keep this password somewhere safe; You never know when you may need it!

Security password for the kibana built-in user account. This is the account that Kibana uses to communicate with Elasticsearch. Must be greater than six characters in length.
Security password for the logstash_system built-in user account. This is the account that Logstash can use to communicate with Elasticsearch. Must be greater than six characters in length.
Security password for the beats_system built-in user account. This is the account that Beats can use to communicate with Elasticsearch. Must be greater than six characters in length. Valid only for Elasticsearch 6.3.0+

Security password for an es_read user account configured with a user (read-only) role with the following definition

  "cluster": [ "monitor" ],
  "indices": [
      "names": [ "*" ],
      "privileges": [ "read", "monitor", "view_index_metadata" ]

Must be greater than six characters in length.

It is recommended after deployment to use the elastic superuser account to create the individual user accounts that will be needed for the users and applications that will interact with Elasticsearch and Kibana, then use those accounts going forward.

SAML single sign-on with Azure Active Directoryedit

Using SAML single sign-on (SSO) for Elasticsearch with Azure Active Directory (AAD) means that Elasticsearch does not need to be seeded with any user accounts from the directory. Instead, Elasticsearch is able to rely on the claims sent within a SAML token in response to successful authentication to determine identity and privileges.

To integrate SAML SSO, the following conditions must be satisfied:

  • esVersion must be one that supports the SAML realm i.e. Elasticsearch 6.2.0 or later
  • xpackPlugins must be Yes to install a trial license of Elastic Stack platinum features
  • kibana must be Yes to deploy an instance of Kibana
  • esHttpCertBlob or esHttpCaCertBlob must be provided to configure SSL/TLS for the HTTP layer of Elasticsearch.

SAML integration with AAD defines a SAML realm with the name saml_aad in the elasticsearch.yml configuration file. The Basic Authentication realm is also enabled, to provide access to the cluster through the built-in users configured as part of the template. The built-in users can be used to perform additional steps needed within Elasticsearch to complete the integration.

The following sections guide you through what is required to integrate SAML SSO with AAD for Elasticsearch and Kibana deployed through the ARM template.

Create Enterprise applicationedit

To integrate Elasticsearch with AAD for SAML SSO, it’s necessary to create an Enterprise Application within AAD before deploying Elasticsearch with the ARM template. An Enterprise application can be created in the Azure Portal by first navigating to Azure Active Directory

azure active directory

Choosing Enterprise applications from the AAD blade

enterprise application

And then creating a new application using the + New application button. This will bring up a new blade where a new Enterprise application can be added

configure non gallery application

Configure a non-gallery application and give it a name, such as Elasticsearch.

Configure enterprise applicationedit

To configure the enterprise application for SAML SSO, navigate to it in the AAD blade under Enterprise Applications, and select the Single sign-on navigation item

enterprise application saml configuration

Make a note of the App Federation Metadata Url, as you will need this when deploying Elasticsearch on Azure.

If you will be configuring a CNAME DNS record entry for Kibana, configure the Identifier (EntityID) input with the domain that you’ll be using. For example, if setting up a CNAME of saml-aad on the domain to point to Kibana, the value would be \ for Identifier (EntityID). Additionally, the Reply URL input would be \ If you will not be configuring a CNAME, simply leave these blank for now.

SAML token attributesedit

The User Attributes section lists the attributes that will be returned in a SAML token upon successful authentication

saml token attributes

You can add here any additional attributes that you wish to be included as claims in the SAML token returned after successful authentication.

Application manifestedit

When an Enterprise application is first created, an Application Manifest is also created that controls the application’s identity configuration with respect to AAD. Amongst other things, the app manifest specifies which roles can be declared for the Enterprise application, in the appRoles array.

To view the appRoles, navigate to the App registrations menu item within the Azure Active Directory blade, select the Enterprise application in question, and click the Manifest button

application manifest

The manifest is a JSON object that will look similar to

  "appId": "<guid>",
  "appRoles": [
      "allowedMemberTypes": [
      "displayName": "User",
      "id": "<guid>",
      "isEnabled": true,
      "description": "User",
      "value": null
      "allowedMemberTypes": [
      "displayName": "msiam_access",
      "id": "<guid>",
      "isEnabled": true,
      "description": "msiam_access",
      "value": null
  ... etc.

Add role objects to the appRoles array for the roles that you wish to be able to assign users within AAD to. A recommendation here is to add the built-in roles available within Elasticsearch, for example, the superuser role, etc. Each role needs a unique identifer and can be given a description

  "appId": "<guid>",
  "appRoles": [
      "allowedMemberTypes": [
      "displayName": "Superuser",
      "id": "18d14569-c3bd-439b-9a66-3a2aee01d14d",
      "isEnabled": true,
      "description": "Superuser with administrator access",
      "value": "superuser"
    ... other roles
  ... etc.

After adding the necessary roles, save the manifest.

Assign users and groups to Enterprise applicationedit

Now that the Enterprise application roles are configured, users and groups within AAD can be granted access to the Enterprise application and be assigned one of the application roles

add user to role

Configuring Elasticsearch for SAML SSOedit

With Azure Active Directory configured, the following parameters can be used to configure Elasticsearch for SAML SSO

the URI from which the metadata for the Identity Provider can be retrieved. Use the App Federation Metadata Url of the Enterprise application created in Azure.

An optional URI of the Service Provider. This will be the valuesupplied for the Identifier (EntityID) field, when using a CNAME DNS record entry to point to the instance of Kibana deployed.

If not specified, the value used will be the fully qualified domain name of the public IP address assigned to the deployed Kibana instance.

For a production environment, it’s strongly recommended to also configure SSL/TLS for communication with Kibana using kibanaCertBlob and kibanaKeyBlob parameters. Consult the Transport Layer Security section for further details on configuring SSL/TLS for Elasticsearch and Kibana.

An example of a minimum deployment is

Azure CLI 2.0.


# certificates for SSL/TLS
http_cert=$(base64 /mnt/c/http.p12)
kibana_cert=$(base64 /mnt/c/kibana.crt)
kibana_key=$(base64 /mnt/c/kibana.key)

resource_group="<resource group>"

# App Federation Metadata Url of the Enterprise application

az group create --name $resource_group --location $location

az group deployment create \
    --resource-group $resource_group \
    --template-uri $template_base_uri/mainTemplate.json \
    --parameters artifactsBaseUrl=$template_base_uri \
        esClusterName=elasticsearch \
        esHttpCertBlob=$http_cert \
        adminUsername=russ \
        authenticationType=password \
        adminPassword=Password1234 \
        securityBootstrapPassword=BootstrapPassword123 \
        securityAdminPassword=AdminPassword123 \
        securityReadPassword=ReadPassword123 \
        securityKibanaPassword=KibanaPassword123 \
        securityLogstashPassword=LogstashPassword123 \
        securityBeatsPassword=BeatsPassword123 \
        kibanaCertBlob=$kibana_cert \
        kibanaKeyBlob=$kibana_key \

Azure PowerShell.

$templateVersion = "6.5.0"
$templateBaseUri = "$templateVersion/src"

# certificates for SSL/TLS
$httpCert = [Convert]::ToBase64String([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("C:\http-cert.pfx"))
$kibanaCert = [Convert]::ToBase64String([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("C:\kibana.crt"))
$kibanaKey = [Convert]::ToBase64String([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("C:\kibana.key"))

$resourceGroup = "<resource group>"
$location = "<location>"

# App Federation Metadata Url of the Enterprise application

$parameters = @{
    "artifactsBaseUrl"= $templateBaseUri
    "esClusterName" = "elasticsearch"
    "esHttpCertBlob" = $httpCert
    "adminUsername" = "russ"
    "authenticationType" = "password"
    "adminPassword" = "Password1234"
    "securityBootstrapPassword" = "BootstrapPassword123"
    "securityAdminPassword" = "AdminPassword123"
    "securityReadPassword" = "ReadPassword123"
    "securityKibanaPassword" = "KibanaPassword123"
    "securityLogstashPassword" = "LogstashPassword123"
    "securityBeatsPassword" = "BeatsPassword123"
    "kibanaCertBlob" = $kibanaCert
    "kibanaKeyBlob" = $kibanaKey
    "samlMetadataUri" = $metadataUri

New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location

New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup `
  -TemplateUri "$templateBaseUri/mainTemplate.json" `
  -TemplateParameterObject $parameters

After cluster deployment, if you didn’t provide a value for the samlServiceProviderUri, copy the kibana output and paste this value into the Identifier (EntityID) field for the Enterprise application within AAD. Also paste this value into the Reply URL field, followed by /api/security/v1/saml.

Role mappingsedit

With the cluster deployed, the Role Mapping APIs are used to configure rules to define how roles received in the SAML token map to roles within Elasticsearch. A SAML realm called saml_aad is configured when samlMetadataUri parameter is provided, and maps the SAML role claim to the groups attribute.

Since SAML SSO integration also configures Basic Authentication access, role mappings can be added using the elastic superuser account. The role mappings that you define will vary depending on the roles that you defined in the appRoles array in the Enterprise Application Manifest, but as two examples to demonstrate

PUT /_xpack/security/role_mapping/saml-kibana-user
  "roles": [ "kibana_user" ],
  "enabled": true,
  "rules": {
    "field": { "": "saml_aad" } 

The SAML realm configured by the ARM template

will give the kibana_user role to any user authenticated through the saml_aad SAML realm, and

PUT /_xpack/security/role_mapping/saml-superuser
  "roles": [ "superuser" ],
  "enabled": true,
  "rules": {
    "all": [
      { "field": { "": "saml_aad" } }, 
      { "field": { "groups": "superuser" } } 

The SAML realm configured by the ARM template

The superuser role defined in the Enterprise application manifest, and received in the role claim of the SAML token for the authenticated user

Transport Layer Securityedit

It is strongly recommended that you secure communication when using the template in production. Elastic Stack Security can provide Authentication and Role Based Access control, and Transport Layer Security (TLS) can be configured for both Elasticsearch and Kibana.

HTTP layeredit

You can secure HTTP communication to the cluster with TLS on the HTTP layer of Elasticsearch. You would typically want to do this when also deploying an external loadbalancer or Application Gateway, but you can also do this when deploying only Kibana, to secure internal traffic between Kibana and Elasticsearch through the internal load balancer.

Configuring TLS for the HTTP layer requires xPackPlugins be set to Yes, and the following parameters can be used

A base 64 encoded string of the PKCS#12 archive containing the certificate and key with which to secure the HTTP layer. This certificate will be used by all nodes within the cluster.
Optional passphrase for the PKCS#12 archive encoded in esHttpCertBlob. Defaults to empty string as the archive may not be protected.

Typically, esHttpCertBlob parameter would be used with a certificate associated with a domain configured with a CNAME DNS record pointing to the public domain name or IP address of the external load balancer or Application Gateway.

As an alternative to esHttpCertBlob and esHttpCertPassword, the following parameters can be used

A base 64 encoded string of the PKCS#12 archive containing the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate and key with which to generate a certificate for each node within the cluster for securing the HTTP layer. Each generated certificate contains a Subject Alternative Name DNS entry with the hostname, an ipAddress entry with the private IP address, and an ipAddress entry with the private IP address of the internal load balancer. The latter allows Kibana to communicate with the cluster through the internal load balancer with full verification.
Optional passphrase for the PKCS#12 archive encoded in esHttpCaCertBlob. Defaults to empty string as the archive may not be protected.

When using Application Gateway for the loadBalancerType, you can only use esHttpCertBlob parameter (and optional esHttpCertPassword). SSL/TLS to Application Gateway is secured using appGatewayCertBlob parameter as described in Application Gateway section, with Application Gateway performing SSL offload/termination.

End-to-end encryption when also configuring TLS on the HTTP layer requires passing the public certificate from the PKCS#12 archive passed in the esHttpCertBlob parameter as the value of the appGatewayEsHttpCertBlob parameter. This allows Application Gateway to whitelist the certificate used by VMs in the backend pool.

The certificate can be extracted from the PKCS#12 archive using openssl, for example

openssl pkcs12 -in http_cert.p12 -out http_public_cert.cer -nokeys

The certificate to secure the HTTP layer must include a Subject Alternative Name with a DNS entry that matches the Subject CN, to work with Application Gateway’s whitelisting mechanism.

Transport layeredit

You can secure communication between nodes in the cluster with TLS on the Transport layer of Elasticsearch. Configuring TLS for the Transport layer requires xPackPlugins be set to Yes. The following parameters can be used

A base 64 encoded string of the PKCS#12 archive containing the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate and private key, used to generate a unique certificate for each node within the cluster. Each generated certificate contains a Subject Alternative Name DNS entry with the hostname and an ipAddress entry with the private IP address.
Optional passphrase for the PKCS#12 archive encoded in esTransportCaCertBlob. Defaults to empty string as the archive may not be protected.

One way to generate a PKCS#12 archive containing a CA certificate and key is using Elastic’s certutil command utility.


You can secure communication between the browser and Kibana with TLS with the following parameters

A base 64 encoded string of the PEM certificate used to secure communication between the browser and Kibana.
A base 64 encoded string of the private key for the certificate, used to secure communication between the browser and Kibana.
Optional passphrase for the private key encoded in kibanaKeyBlob. Defaults to empty string as the private key may not be protected.

Passing certificates and archivesedit

All certificates and PKCS#12 archives must be passed as base 64 encoded string values. A base 64 encoded value can be obtained using

  1. base64 on Linux, or openssl on Linux and MacOS

    Using base64.

    httpCert=$(base64 http-cert.p12)

    Using openssl.

    httpCert=$(openssl base64 -in http-cert.p12)

    PEM certificates are already base 64 encoded. Irrespective, you should still base 64 encode PEM certificates; all certificates and PKCS#12 archives are expected to be base 64 encoded, to keep template usage simple i.e. if a parameter contains a certificate or archive, base 64 encode it.

  2. using PowerShell on Windows

    Using PowerShell.

    $httpCert = [Convert]::ToBase64String([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("c:\http-cert.p12"))