Configuration examplesedit

This section contains manifests that illustrate common use cases, and can be your starting point in exploring Elastic Agent deployed with ECK. These manifests are self-contained and work out-of-the-box on any non-secured Kubernetes cluster. They all contain a three-node Elasticsearch cluster and a single Kibana instance. Add the corresponding integration package to Kibana to install the dashboards, visualizations and other assets for each of these examples as described in the Elastic Agent documentation.

The examples in this section are for illustration purposes only and should not be considered to be production-ready. Some of these examples use the false setting which has performance implications and should be tuned for production workloads, as described in Virtual memory.

System integrationedit

kubectl apply -f

Deploys Elastic Agent as a DaemonSet in standalone mode with system integration enabled. Collects syslog logs, auth logs and system metrics (for CPU, I/O, filesystem, memory, network, process and others).

Kubernetes integrationedit

kubectl apply -f

Deploys Elastic Agent as a DaemonSet in standalone mode with Kubernetes integration enabled. Collects API server, Container, Event, Node, Pod, Volume and system metrics.

Multiple Elasticsearch clusters outputedit

kubectl apply -f

Deploys two Elasticsearch clusters and two Kibana instances together with single Elastic Agent DaemonSet in standalone mode with System integration enabled. System metrics are sent to the elasticsearch cluster. Elastic Agent monitoring data is sent to elasticsearch-mon cluster.

Storing local state in host path volumeedit

Elastic Agent when managed by ECK stores local state in a host path volume. This ensures that integrations run by the agent can continue their work without duplicating work that has already been done after the Pod has been recreated for example because of a Pod configuration change. If local state storage in host path volumes is not desired this can be turned off by configuring an emptyDir volume instead:

kind: Agent
  name: elastic-agent
        - name: agent-data
          emptyDir: {}