Create Active Directory configurationedit

Creates a new Active Directory configuration.


POST /api/v1/platform/configuration/security/realms/active-directory

Request bodyedit

(ActiveDirectorySettings) (required) The Active Directory configuration



(EmptyResponse) The Active Directory configuration was successfully created


x-cloud-resource-created (string)
The date-time when the resource was created (ISO format relative to UTC)
x-cloud-resource-last-modified (string)
The date-time when the resource was last modified (ISO format relative to UTC)
x-cloud-resource-version (string)
The resource version, which is used to avoid update conflicts with concurrent operations

(BasicFailedReply) * The realm id is already in use. (code: security_realm.id_conflict) * The selected id is not valid. (code: security_realm.invalid_id) * Order must be greater than zero. (code: security_realm.invalid_order) * Invalid Elasticsearch Security realm type. (code: security_realm.invalid_type) * The realm order is already in use. (code: security_realm.order_conflict) * Advanced YAML format is invalid. (code: security_realm.invalid_yaml) * The url format is invalid. (code: security_realm.invalid_url) * Invalid Active Directory URL. (code: security_realm.active_directory.invalid_url) * Invalid certificate bundle URL. (code: security_realm.invalid_bundle_url)


x-cloud-error-codes (string; allowed values: [security_realm.id_conflict, security_realm.invalid_id, security_realm.invalid_order, security_realm.invalid_type, security_realm.order_conflict, security_realm.invalid_yaml, security_realm.invalid_url, security_realm.active_directory.invalid_url, security_realm.invalid_bundle_url])
The error codes associated with the response

(BasicFailedReply) Elevated permissions are required. (code: root.unauthorized.rbac.elevated_permissions_required)


x-cloud-error-codes (string; allowed values: [root.unauthorized.rbac.elevated_permissions_required])
The error codes associated with the response

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods: apiKey, basicAuth.

Request exampleedit

curl -XPOST {{hostname}}/api/v1/platform/configuration/security/realms/active-directory \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey $ECE_API_KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
   "bind_anonymously" : true,
   "bind_dn" : "string",
   "bind_password" : "string",
   "certificate_url" : "string",
   "certificate_url_truststore_password" : "string",
   "certificate_url_truststore_type" : "string",
   "domain_name" : "string",
   "enabled" : true,
   "group_search" : {
      "base_dn" : "string",
      "scope" : "string"
   "id" : "string",
   "load_balance" : {
      "cache_ttl" : "string",
      "type" : "string"
   "name" : "string",
   "order" : 0,
   "override_yaml" : "string",
   "role_mappings" : {
      "default_roles" : [
      "rules" : [
            "roles" : [
            "type" : "string",
            "value" : "string"
   "urls" : [
   "user_search" : {
      "base_dn" : "string",
      "filter" : "string",
      "scope" : "string"