API Referenceedit

A RESTful API is available to roll your own automation. In Elastic Cloud Enterprise 1.1.5, our RESTful API supports Elasticsearch and Kibana cluster automation. Future releases will provide additional automation for the Elastic Cloud Enterprise platform.

The API is organized into several sections:

  • Clusters: CRUD operations to define Elasticsearch and Kibana clusters and to manage them.
  • Platform: Manage the Elastic Cloud Enterprise platform itself. Manage allocators, define global configurations, security settings, and snapshot repositories.
  • Stack: Manage the available versions of the Elastic Stack products in your Elastic Cloud Enterprise installation.

API Base Path: /api/v1/

To allow you to build API clients or use your favorite OpenAPI-enabled development tool, the API definition is also available in OpenAPI 2.0 format.


We currently support basic authentication with the same root user and password that you use to log into the Cloud UI. The credentials are provided when you install Elastic Cloud Enterprise on your first host and can also be retrieved separately.

Future versions of Elastic Cloud Enterprise will support additional authentication methods and multiple users.

Accessing the API from the Cloud UIedit

You can interact with a specific cluster directly from the Cloud UI without having to authenticate again. This access is limited to the specific cluster and only for cluster-related API calls. You cannot make platform changes from here.

  1. Log into the Cloud UI.
  2. On the Clusters page, select the cluster you want.
  3. Go to the Console page.
  4. Make a selection from the operation drop-down list and complete the path.

    For example, you can select Get and use the _cluster/health?pretty=true path for cluster status and other pertinent details.

  5. If needed, add the body information.

    To display the body area, select PUT, POST, or DELETE from the drop-down list.

  6. Click Submit.

The results of the API operation are displayed, along with the time it took to complete the operation.

Learn Moreedit

To learn more about using our RESTful API, see: