Cloudfoundry moduleedit

This functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

This is the cloudfoundry module.

The Cloud Foundry module connects to Cloud Foundry loggregator to gather container, counter, and value metrics into a common data platform where it can be used for analysis, visualization, and alerting.

The cloudfoundry module metrics are numerical values that describe some aspect of a system at a particular point in time. They are collected when pushed from the loggregator and are identified with a timestamp, a name, a value, and one or more defining labels.

The cloudfoundry module mericsets are container, counter and value.

Module-specific configuration notesedit

All metrics come from the Cloud Foundry loggregator API. The loggregator API authenticates through the Cloud Foundry UAA API. This requires that a new client be added to UAA with the correct permissions. This can be done using the uaac client.

$ export CLOUDFOUNDRY_CLIENT_ID=metricbeat
$ uaac client add $CLOUDFOUNDRY_CLIENT_ID --name $CLOUDFOUNDRY_CLIENT_ID --secret $CLOUDFOUNDRY_CLIENT_SECRET --authorized_grant_types client_credentials,refresh_token --authorities doppler.firehose,cloud_controller.admin_read_only

Then configuration of the module needs to contain the created client_id and client_secret.

- module: cloudfoundry
  client_id: "${CLOUDFOUNDRY_CLIENT_ID}"
  client_secret: "${CLOUDFOUNDRY_CLIENT_SECRET}"
      verification_mode: none



The container metricset of Cloud Foundry module allows you to collect container metrics that the loggregator sends to metricbeat.


The counter metricset of Cloud Foundry module allows you to collect counter metrics that the loggregator sends to metricbeat.


The value metricset of Cloud Foundry module allows you to collect value metrics that the loggregator sends to metricbeat.

Configuration optionsedit

The cloudfoundry input supports the following configuration options.


The URL of the Cloud Foundry API. Optional. Default: "".


The URL of the Cloud Foundry Doppler Websocket. Optional. Default: "(value from ${api_address}/v2/info)".


The URL of the Cloud Foundry UAA API. Optional. Default: "(value from ${api_address}/v2/info)".


The URL of the Cloud Foundry RLP Gateway. Optional. Default: "(value from ${api_address}/v2/info)".


Client ID to authenticate with Cloud Foundry. Default: "".


Client Secret to authenticate with Cloud Foundry. Default: "".


Shard ID for connection to the RLP Gateway. Use the same ID across multiple metricbeat to shard the load of events from the RLP Gateway. Default: "(generated UUID)".


This specifies SSL/TLS common config. Default: not used.

Example configurationedit

The Cloudfoundry module supports the standard configuration options that are described in Modules. Here is an example configuration:

- module: cloudfoundry
    - container
    - counter
    - value
  enabled: true
  api_address: '${CLOUDFOUNDRY_API_ADDRESS:""}'
  doppler_address: '${CLOUDFOUNDRY_DOPPLER_ADDRESS:""}'
  uaa_address: '${CLOUDFOUNDRY_UAA_ADDRESS:""}'
  rlp_address: '${CLOUDFOUNDRY_RLP_ADDRESS:""}'
  client_id: '${CLOUDFOUNDRY_CLIENT_ID:""}'
  client_secret: '${CLOUDFOUNDRY_CLIENT_SECRET:""}'


The following metricsets are available: