Configure functionsedit

Functionbeat runs as a function in your serverless environment.

Before deploying Functionbeat, you need to configure one or more functions and specify details about the services that will trigger the functions.

You configure the functions in the the functionbeat.yml configuration file. When you’re done, you can deploy the functions to your serverless environment.

The following example configures two functions: cloudwatch and sqs. The cloudwatch function collects events from CloudWatch Logs. The sqs function collects messages from Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS). Both functions forward the events to Elasticsearch. "functionbeat-deploy"
  - name: cloudwatch
    enabled: true
    type: cloudwatch_logs
    description: "lambda function for cloudwatch logs"
      - log_group_name: /aws/lambda/my-lambda-function
        #filter_pattern: mylog_
  - name: sqs
    enabled: true
    type: sqs
    description: "lambda function for SQS events"
      - event_source_arn: arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:123456789012:myevents "MyESDeployment:SomeLongString=="
cloud.auth: "elastic:SomeLongString"

  - add_host_metadata: ~
  - add_cloud_metadata: ~

Configuration optionsedit

You can specify the following options to configure the functions that you want to deploy.

If you change the configuration after deploying the function, use the update command to update your deployment.

A unique name for the S3 bucket that the Lambda artifact will be uploaded to.


A unique name for the Lambda function. This is the name of the function as it will appear in the Lambda console on AWS.


The type of service to monitor. For this release, the supported types are:

Collects events from CloudWatch logs.
Collects data from Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS).


A description of the function. This description is useful when you are running multiple functions and need more context about how each function is used.


A list of triggers that will cause the function to execute. The list of valid triggers depends on the type. If type is cloudwatch_logs logs, specify a list of log groups. If type is sqs, specify a list of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).


A regular expression that matches the events you want to collect. Setting this option may reduce execution costs because the function only executes if there is data that matches the pattern.


The reserved number of instances for the function. Setting this option may reduce execution costs by limiting the number of functions that can execute in your serverless environment. The default is unreserved.


The maximum amount of memory to allocate for this function. Specify a value that is a factor of 64. There is a hard limit of 3008 MiB for each function. The default is 128 MiB.


The dead letter queue to use for messages that can’t be processed successfully. Set this option to an ARN that points to an SQS queue.