Load external configuration filesedit

Filebeat can load external configuration files for prospectors and modules, which allows you to separate your configuration into multiple smaller configuration files. See the Prospector config and the Module config sections for details.

On systems with POSIX file permissions, all Beats configuration files are subject to ownership and file permission checks. For more information, see Config File Ownership and Permissions in the Beats Platform Reference.

Prospector configedit

For prospector configurations, you specify path option in the filebeat.config.prospectors section of the filebeat.yml file. For example:

  enabled: true
  path: configs/*.yml

Each file found by the Glob must contain a list of one or more prospector definitions. For example:

- type: log
    - /var/log/mysql.log
  scan_frequency: 10s

- type: log
    - /var/log/apache.log
  scan_frequency: 5s

It is critical that two running prospectors DO NOT have overlapping file paths defined. If more than one prospector harvests the same file at the same time, it can lead to unexpected behavior.

Module configedit

For module configurations, you specify the path option in the filebeat.config.modules section of the filebeat.yml file. By default, Filebeat loads the module configurations enabled in the modules.d directory. For example:

  enabled: true
  path: ${path.config}/modules.d/*.yml

The path setting must point to the modules.d directory if you want to use the modules command to enable and disable module configurations.

Each file found by the Glob must contain a list of one or more module definitions. For example:

- module: apache2
    enabled: true
    var.paths: [/var/log/apache2/access.log*]
    enabled: true
    var.paths: [/var/log/apache2/error.log*]