
글 Monica Sarbu

Beats Creator and Ingest Team Lead, Elastic

Beats Creator and Ingest Team Lead

Monica is a Director of Engineering at Elastic, where she leads the teams responsible for the popular open source projects Beats and Logstash. She founded the Packetbeat open source project. When Monica is not busy grokking data, she enjoys spending time with her daughter and traveling the world.


Beats 5.0.0 출시

It’s finally here! Beats 5.0.0 is released.


나만의 Beat 만들기

LsBeat 예제를 통한 Beat 만드는 법을 배워봅시다.


The Beats 1.0.0

Beats 플랫폼 정식 배포 버전이자 공식적으로 지원되는 최초의 Beats인 Topbeat, Filebeat 및 Packetbeat를 출시.