Microsoft Build

Build the future with search powered AI

May 21-23, 2024 | Seattle, Washington

Welcome to a World of Possibility. With search powered AI, you enter a world of forward thinking flexibility. When data turns into action, you don't have to wait for the world to turn. You can drive its motion. With Elastic's search powered AI you can unleash the possibilities of your data. And transform your world.

Preview what you can expect at Microsoft Build.

See you there!

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Blow past benchmarks using vector search and RAG with Elasticsearch

Jeff Vestal, Principal Customer Enterprise Architect

Jody Bailey, CTO, Stack Overflow

May 22 | 2:15 p.m. | Level 3, Room 325

Session ID: BRKFP291

Benchmarks are helpful, but production apps demand more. When vector search and RAG power critical business apps, discover why developers at the world’s most innovative companies choose Elasticsearch. Learn about our investments in making Lucene and Elastic the best toolset for search-powered AI. You'll also hear how Stack Overflow uses Elastic and Azure OpenAI for vector and semantic search capabilities to deliver a more human-like, generative AI-powered experience to developers.

Deep Dive Demo

Sewing up success even when RAGs unravel

Jeff Vestal, Principal Customer Enterprise Architect

Thursday, May 23 | 10:30 a.m. CDT | Level 5 - Build Stage

Session ID: STUDIOFP115

We'll explore the resilience of RAG applications through a live demo, simulating a failure and its impact on interconnected systems. Discover how Elastic's open and flexible observability built with search-powered AI streamlines issue triage within your current workflow. We'll illustrate practical troubleshooting with a hands-on demonstration of an AI assistant and a custom bot, highlighting how Elastic's tools enable precise problem identification to optimize application performance.

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Video On Demand

Master AI-enhanced search with Azure OpenAI and Elasticsearch

Michael Heldebrant - Distinguished Solutions Architect

Session ID: ODFP652

Discover the transformative power of AI in search technology at our developer-focused session. We'll guide you through the cutting-edge capabilities of Azure OpenAI and Elasticsearch, demonstrating how AI can redefine the way we build search functionalities. From natural language understanding to personalized query results, we'll cover practical use cases that showcase AI's impact on search experiences. Join us to future-proof your search applications and leverage the full potential of AI in today's ever-evolving digital landscape.

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Community + Conversation

Streamlining Generative AI with Elastic and Azure's OpenAI Integration

Monday, May 20 | 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

2505 3rd Avenue, Suite 324
The Elastic Seattle User Group is kicking off Microsoft Build with a community meetup. Enjoy presentations by Anahita Afshari (Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect) and Hemant Malik (Elastic, Senior Principal Solutions Architect) followed by networking, refreshments, and pizza!
R.S.V.P. required

Get to know Elastic

Why wait? Try Elastic today

  • "en": "Dashboard and spyglass", 
"cn": "仪表板和放大镜", 
"de": "Dashboard und Lupe", 
"es": "Dashboard y lupa", 
"fr": "Tableau de bord et loupe", 
"jp": "ダッシュボードと望遠鏡", 
"kr": "대시보드와 망원경", 
"pt": "Dashboard e lupa"

    Start your trial

    Elastic Cloud is the easiest, most efficient way to get started on Azure.

  • "en": "High five", 
"cn": "击掌", 
"es": "Choca los cinco", 
"fr": "Tope là", 
"jp": "ハイタッチ", 
"kr": "하이파이브", 
"pt": "Toca aqui"

    Microsoft + Elastic

    Visit the DevSecOps meet-up room (321) or attend an Elastic speaking session to discover our solution in person.

  • "en": "Person in laptop", 
"cn": "笔记本电脑中的人", 
"de": "Laptop mit Person auf Bildschirm", 
"es": "Persona en computadora portátil", 
"fr": "Personne dans un ordinateur", 
"jp": "ノートPCの画面の中の人", 
"kr": "노트북 화면 속의 사람", 
"pt": "Pessoa no notebook"

    Contact us

    We are here for you (before and after Microsoft Build). Reach out and let’s start solving together.