Kibana 8.5.1


Review the following information about the Kibana 8.5.1 release.

Breaking changes


Breaking changes can prevent your application from optimal operation and performance. Before you upgrade, review the breaking change, then mitigate the impact to your application.

There are no breaking changes in Kibana 8.5.1.

8.4.0 | 8.3.0 | 8.2.0 | 8.1.0 | 8.0.0 | 8.0.0-rc2 | 8.0.0-rc1 | 8.0.0-beta1 | 8.0.0-alpha2 | 8.0.0-alpha1


Elastic Security
For the Elastic Security 8.5.1 release information, refer to Elastic Security Solution Release Notes.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug where Metadata API does not filter by environment #144472
  • Fixes a bug where AWS lambda checks for an undefined value #143987
  • Limits the number of source map artifacts #144963
  • Fixes an incorrect documentation link #145077
  • Removes support for scripted fields in options list #144643
  • Fixes help documentation link for dashboard #143894
Elastic Security
For the Elastic Security 8.5.1 release information, refer to Elastic Security Solution Release Notes.
Make asset tags space aware #144066
Machine Learning
  • Correcting the size of the free ML node on cloud #144512
  • Fixes model testing flyout reload #144318
  • Explain Log Rate Spikes: Wrap analysis in try/catch block #143651
  • Explain Log Rate Spikes: Fix uncompressed streams and backpressure handling #142970
  • Fixes a bug that prevented users from viewing Osquery results if they were in a non-default Kibana space #144210
Fixes the execution pipeline not to stop on a flaky subexpression #143852
  • Adjust forumla for synthetics monitor availability #144868
  • TLS alert - do not alert when status cannot be determined #144767