OAuth Service API Reference


OAuth Service API Referenceedit

The Custom search experiences guide provides conceptual walkthrough of the steps involved in issuing search requests on behalf of users via OAuth.

In this API referenceedit

OAuth Service API Overviewedit

The OAuth Service API provides endpoints to generate user access tokens allowing applications to issue search requests on behalf of an authenticated user. It supports both a confidential flow (which involves generating an authorization code using a Client Secret) and an implicit flow (which allows a user’s client to request access tokens directly).

The available endpoints are as follows:

# Confidential flow
GET /ws/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=ca6e5332...&redirect_uri=https://one.acme.co
POST /ws/oauth/token?grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=ca6e5332b...&client_secret=c5d51a8c...&redirect_uri=https://one.acme.co&code=78hasd9h324h
POST /ws/oauth/token?grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=89d2a...&client_id=ca6e5332...&redirect_uri=https://one.acme.co

# Implicit flow
GET /ws/oauth/authorize?response_type=token&client_id=ca6e5332...&redirect_uri=https://one.acme.co



code for confidential flow, token for implicit flow



Client ID as generated when setting up the OAuth Application


required for Confidential

Client Secret as generated when setting up the OAuth Application



Location to redirect user to once the OAuth process completed. Must match a URI as configured in the OAuth Application



Authorization code as returned by the /authorize endpoint for the confidential flow



Required for token endpoint for the confidential flow, with value of authorization_code or refresh_token



Token used for issuing search requests on behalf of an authenticated user, generated from a successful OAuth flow



Token used for retrieving a new access token in the confidential flow

To learn more about setting up and configuring the Search OAuth application, refer to the Configuring the OAuth Application for Search guide.

Managing tokensedit

Access tokens usually expire after 2 hours. Refresh tokens do not expire.

A refresh token can be exchanged for a new access token in the confidential flow. This means clients can continue to have valid access without asking the user to re-authenticate. The refresh token is issued together with the access token and it has to be exchanged for a new access token before expiration.

The Confidential approach is recommended wherever possible. This provides more control over the generation and refreshing of access tokens.

OAuth API Visual Referenceedit

Figure 124. Confidential OAuth flow overview
Figure 125. Implicit OAuth flow overview