Suspicious MS Office Child Processedit

Identifies suspicious child processes of frequently targeted Microsoft Office applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel). These child processes are often launched during exploitation of Office applications or from documents with malicious macros.

Rule indices:

  • winlogbeat-*

Severity: low

Risk score: 21

Runs every: 5 minutes

Searches indices from: now-6m (Date Math format, see also Additional look-back time)

Maximum signals per execution: 100


  • Elastic
  • Windows

Rule version: 1

Added (Elastic Stack release): 7.6.0

Rule queryedit

event.action:"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)" and"winword.exe" or "excel.exe" or "powerpnt.exe" or
"eqnedt32.exe" or "fltldr.exe" or "mspub.exe" or "msaccess.exe") and"arp.exe" or "dsquery.exe" or "dsget.exe" or
"gpresult.exe" or "hostname.exe" or "ipconfig.exe" or "nbtstat.exe" or
"net.exe" or "net1.exe" or "netsh.exe" or "netstat.exe" or
"nltest.exe" or "ping.exe" or "qprocess.exe" or "quser.exe" or
"qwinsta.exe" or "reg.exe" or "sc.exe" or "systeminfo.exe" or
"tasklist.exe" or "tracert.exe" or "whoami.exe" or "bginfo.exe" or
"cdb.exe" or "cmstp.exe" or "csi.exe" or "dnx.exe" or "fsi.exe" or
"ieexec.exe" or "iexpress.exe" or "installutil.exe" or
"Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe" or "msbuild.exe" or "mshta.exe" or
"msxsl.exe" or "odbcconf.exe" or "rcsi.exe" or "regsvr32.exe" or
"xwizard.exe" or "atbroker.exe" or "forfiles.exe" or "schtasks.exe" or
"regasm.exe" or "regsvcs.exe" or "cmd.exe" or "cscript.exe" or
"powershell.exe" or "pwsh.exe" or "wmic.exe" or "wscript.exe" or
"bitsadmin.exe" or "certutil.exe" or "ftp.exe")

Threat mappingedit