Logstash 6.0.0 Release Notes


Logstash 6.0.0 Release Notesedit

  • This list does not include all breaking changes, please consult the breaking changes document separately.
  • Added new logstash.yml setting: config.support_escapes. When enabled, Logstash will interpret escape sequences in strings in the pipeline configuration.
  • Added an explicit --setup phase for modules. This phase is used to install dashboards and the Elasticsearch template.
  • Added support for running multiple pipelines in the same Logstash instance. Running multiple pipelines allows users to isolate data flow, provide separate runtime pipeline parameters and helps simplify complex configurations. This can be configured via the new pipelines.yml file.
  • Improved performance.
  • Modules: Set default credentials for Kibana if es info is present.
  • A variety of small consistency and testing fixes for the Windows platform
  • Added all commercially supported plugins to bundled plugins.
  • The existing JAVA_OPTS env var is now ignored for consistency with Elasticsearch.
  • JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS env var is cleared for consistency with Elasticsearch.
  • Now only LS_JAVA_OPTS env var is supported to append options to parsed options from the jvm.options file.
  • Dropped support for the LS_JVM_OPTS environment variable.
  • Dropped support for the USE_RUBY and USE_DRIP environment variables.
  • Added cloud.id and cloud.auth support for modules to provide an easy way to integrate with Elastic Cloud service.
  • Enabled DLQ support for multipipelines.
  • Added an X-Pack feature to manage Logstash configurations centrally in Elasticsearch. We’ve also added a UI to manage configurations directly in Kibana without having to restart Logstash.
  • Users can now visualize the Logstash configuration pipeline as part of the X-Pack monitoring feature.


  • GeoIP Filter: You can now use MaxMind’s commercial database to get enriched Geo information. ASN data can be obtained via the GeoIP2-ISP database.