8.15.1 release notes


8.15.1 release notes


Upgrading to Enterprise Search 8.15.1? See Upgrading and migrating.

Known issues

[ElasticAPM] Couldn't establish connection to APM Server: "#<Java::JavaLang::NoSuchMethodError: 'org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERIA5String org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERIA5String.getInstance(java.lang.Object)'>"
[ElasticAPM] Connection error: #<Errno::EPIPE: Broken pipe - No message available>



App Search

  • Today, instead of using the App Search standalone product, we recommend users build their new search experiences with Elasticsearch tools directly. Working with Elasticsearch directly enables you to leverage the full power of the Elastic Stack and our latest features.

    To help with this transition, in 8.15.1 we’ve added a recommendation wizard in the App Search UI in Kibana, for new users of App Search. This will help you find the recommended Elasticsearch features for building better, more future-proof search experiences.

    Refer to the App Search docs for more information, including a table of App Search features and their equivalents in Elasticsearch. App Search is not yet deprecated; it remains supported and available to both new and existing users.

Bug fixes

