Elastic Dropbox connector referenceedit

The Elastic Dropbox connector is a connector for Dropbox.

Availability and prerequisitesedit

This connector is available as a connector client from the Python connectors framework.

This connector client is compatible with Elastic versions 8.9.0+.

To use this connector, satisfy all connector client requirements.

This connector is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.


To use this connector as a connector client, use the Dropbox tile from the connectors list or Customized connector workflow.

For additional operations, see Using connectors.

Before you can configure your connector, you’ll need to:

Dropbox API Authorizationedit

Create Dropbox OAuth Appedit

You’ll need to create an OAuth app in the Dropbox platform by following these steps:

  1. Register a new app in the Dropbox App Console. Select Full Dropbox API app and choose the following required permissions:

    • files.content.read
    • sharing.read
  2. Once the app is created, make note of the app key and app secret values which you’ll need to configure the Dropbox connector on your Elastic deployment.

Generate a refresh Tokenedit

To generate a refresh token, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the following URL, replacing <APP_KEY> with the app key value saved earlier: https://www.dropbox.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=<APP_KEY>&response_type=code&token_access_type=offline

    The HTTP response should contain an authorization code that you’ll use to generate a refresh token. An authorization code can only be used once to create a refresh token.

  2. In your terminal, run the following cURL command, replacing <AUTHORIZATION_CODE>, <APP_KEY>:<APP_SECRET> with the values you saved earlier:

    curl -X POST "https://api.dropboxapi.com/oauth2/token?code=<AUTHORIZATION_CODE>&grant_type=authorization_code" -u "<APP_KEY>:<APP_SECRET>"

    Store the refresh token from the response to be used in the connector configuration.

    Make sure the response has a list of the following scopes:

    • account_info.read
    • files.content.read
    • files.metadata.read
    • sharing.read


The following configuration fields are required to set up the connector:

The folder path to fetch files/folders from Dropbox. Default value is /.
app_key (required)
The App Key to authenticate your Dropbox application.
app_secret (required)
The App Secret to authenticate your Dropbox application.
refresh_token (required)
The refresh token to authenticate your Dropbox application.
The number of retry attempts after a failed request to Dropbox. Default value is 3.
The number of concurrent downloads for fetching attachment content. This can help speed up content extraction of attachments. Defaults to 100.

Documents and syncsedit

The connector syncs the following objects and entities:

  • Files

    • Includes metadata such as file name, path, size, content, etc.
  • Folders

Due to a Dropbox issue, metadata updates to Paper files from Dropbox Paper are not immediately reflected in the Dropbox UI. This delays the availability of updated results for the connector. Once the metadata changes are visible in the Dropbox UI, the updates are available.

  • Files bigger than 10 MB won’t be extracted.
  • Currently, the connector doesn’t retrieve files from shared Team folders.
  • Permissions are not synced. All documents indexed to an Elastic deployment will be visible to all users with access to that Elastic Deployment.

Sync rulesedit

Basic sync rules are identical for all connectors and are available by default.

Advanced sync rules are not available for this connector in the present version. Currently filtering is controlled via ingest pipelines.

Connector Client operationsedit

End-to-end Testingedit

End-to-end testing is not available for this connector in this version.

Known issuesedit

Refer to Known issues for a list of known issues for all connectors.


See Troubleshooting for a list of troubleshooting tips for all connectors.


See Security for a list of security tips for all connectors.

Content extractionedit

See Content extraction.

Framework and sourceedit

This connector is included in the Python connectors framework.

View the source code for this connector (branch 8.9, compatible with Elastic 8.9).