Enterprise Search API


Enterprise Search APIedit

Health APIedit

Get information on the health of a deployment and basic statistics around resource usage.

> response = ent_client.health
> response.body
 => {"name"=>"...",
     "version"=>{"number"=>"7.10.0", "build_hash"=>"...", "build_date"=>"..."},

Version APIedit

Get version information for the server.

> response = ent_client.version
> response.body
 => {"number"=>"7.10.0", "build_hash"=>"...", "build_date"=>"..."}

Managing Read-Only mode:edit

# Set read-only flag state
> ent_client.put_read_only(body: { enabled: false })

# Get read-only flag state
> ent_client.read_only

Stats APIedit

Get information about the resource usage of the application, the state of different internal queues, etc.

> ent_client.stats.body
 => {"app"=>{"pid"=>1, "start"=>"...", "end"=>"", "metrics"=>{...}},
     "queues"=>{"connectors"=>{...}, "document_destroyer"=>{...}, "engine_destroyer"=>{...}, "index_adder"=>{...}, ...},
     "connectors"=>{"alive"=>true, "pool"=>{...}, "job_store"=>{...}}}}

Search Enginesedit

Retrieve information about search engines

> ent_client.search_engines