Elasticsearch version 7.17.4


Elasticsearch version 7.17.4edit

Also see Breaking changes in 7.17.

Known issuesedit

  • Parsing a request when the last element in an array is filtered out (for instance using _source_includes) fails. This is due to a bug in Jackson parser. Fixed in Elasticsearch 8.6.1 (#91456)
  • The deprecated index.mapper.dynamic setting can break your cluster. It can only be set using the Update index settings API. Symptoms include nodes failing to start or shards failing to allocate. Do not use this setting in versions prior to 7.17.22. The bug is fixed in 7.17.22. (issue: #109160)

Bug fixesedit

Cluster Coordination
  • Avoid breaking add/clear voting exclusions #86657
  • Reroute after migrating to data tiers routing #86574 (issue: #86572)
  • Fix assertDefaultThreadContext enumerating allowed headers #86262
  • Relax data path deprecations from critical to warn #85952
  • Set autoexpand replicas on fleet actions data stream #85511
  • Adjust MDP deprecation to warning instead of critical #86102 (issue: #85695)
Machine Learning
  • Fix max_model_memory_limit reported by _ml/info when autoscaling is enabled #86660
  • Improve reliability of job stats in larger clusters #86305
  • Make autoscaling and task assignment use same memory staleness definition #86632 (issue: #86616)
  • Fix edge case which could cause the model bounds to inflate after detecting seasonality #2261
  • Fix cause of "Must provide points at which to evaluate function" log error training classification and regression models #2268
  • Fix edge case where user-defined heap settings are ignored #86438 (issue: #86431)
  • Better failure for source-only snapshots of partially/fully mounted indices #86207
  • Check if searchable snapshots cache pre-allocation is successful in Windows #86192 (issue: #85725)
  • Delay searchable snapshot allocation during shutdown #86153 (issue: #85052)
  • Correctly calculate disk usage for frozen data tier telemetry #86580 (issue: #86055)
Task Management
  • Use TaskCancelledException in TMNA #86659


  • Switch to OpenJDK and upgrade to 18.0.1 #86554