2.0.2 Release Notesedit

Also see Breaking changes in 2.0.

Bug fixesedit

  • [Children agg] fix bug that prevented all child docs from being evaluated #15457
Index APIs
  • Field stats: Index constraints should remove indices in the response if the field to evaluate is empty #14868
  • Field stats: Fix NPE for index constraint on empty index #14841
  • Throw a meaningful error when loading metadata and an alias and index have the same name #14842 (issue: #14706)
  • Multi field names may not contain dots #15118 (issue: #14957)
  • Fail and close translog hard if writing to disk fails #15420 (issue: #15333)
  • Prevent writing to closed channel if translog is already closed #15012 (issue: #14866)
  • Don’t delete temp recovered checkpoint file it was renamed #14872 (issue: #14695)