Diagnostic Sourceedit

Elasticsearch.Net and NEST support capturing diagnostics information using DiagnosticSource and Activity from the System.Diagnostics namespace.

To aid with the discoverability of the topics you can subscribe to and the event names they emit, both topics and event names are exposed as strongly typed strings under Elasticsearch.Net.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSources

Subscribing to DiagnosticSources means implementing IObserver<DiagnosticListener> or using .Subscribe(observer, filter) to opt in to the correct topic.

Here we choose the more verbose IObserver<> implementation

public class ListenerObserver : IObserver<DiagnosticListener>, IDisposable
    private long _messagesWrittenToConsole = 0;
    public long MessagesWrittenToConsole => _messagesWrittenToConsole;

    public Exception SeenException { get; private set; }

    public void OnError(Exception error) => SeenException = error;
    public bool Completed { get; private set; }
    public void OnCompleted() => Completed = true;

    private void WriteToConsole<T>(string eventName, T data)
        var a = Activity.Current;
        Interlocked.Increment(ref _messagesWrittenToConsole);

    private List<IDisposable> Disposables { get; } = new List<IDisposable>();

    public void OnNext(DiagnosticListener value)
        void TrySubscribe(string sourceName, Func<IObserver<KeyValuePair<string, object>>> listener) 
            if (value.Name != sourceName) return;

            var subscription = value.Subscribe(listener());

            () => new AuditDiagnosticObserver(v => WriteToConsole(v.Key, v.Value)));

            () => new SerializerDiagnosticObserver(v => WriteToConsole(v.Key, v.Value)));

            () => new RequestPipelineDiagnosticObserver(
                v => WriteToConsole(v.Key, v.Value),
                v => WriteToConsole(v.Key, v.Value)

            () => new HttpConnectionDiagnosticObserver(
                v => WriteToConsole(v.Key, v.Value),
                v => WriteToConsole(v.Key, v.Value)

    public void Dispose()
        foreach(var d in Disposables) d.Dispose();

By inspecting the name, we can selectively subscribe only to the topics Elasticsearch.Net emit

Thanks to DiagnosticSources, you do not have to guess the topics emitted.

The DiagnosticListener.Subscribe method expects an IObserver<KeyValuePair<string, object>> which is a rather generic message contract. As a subscriber, it’s useful to know what object is in each case. To help with this, each topic within the client has a dedicated Observer implementation that takes an onNext delegate typed to the context object actually emitted.

The RequestPipeline diagnostic source emits a different context objects the start and end of the Activity For this reason, RequestPipelineDiagnosticObserver accepts two onNext delegates, one for the .Start events and one for the .Stop events.

Subscribing to topicsedit

As a concrete example of subscribing to topics, let’s hook into all diagnostic sources and use ListenerObserver to only listen to the ones from Elasticsearch.Net

using(var listenerObserver = new ListenerObserver())
using (var subscription = DiagnosticListener.AllListeners.Subscribe(listenerObserver))
    var pool = new SniffingConnectionPool(new []{ TestConnectionSettings.CreateUri() }); 
    var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool)
        .DefaultMappingFor<Project>(i => i

    var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);

    var response = client.Search<Project>(s => s 


use a sniffing connection pool that sniffs on startup and pings before first usage, so our diagnostics will emit most topics.

make a search API call

verify that the listener is picking up events