Command Line Interfaceedit

The command-line arguments are as follows:

curator [--config CONFIG.YML] [--dry-run] ACTION_FILE.YML

The square braces indicate optional elements.

If --config and CONFIG.YML are not provided, Curator will look in ~/.curator/curator.yml for the configuration file. ~ is the home directory of the user executing Curator. In a Unix system, this might be /home/username/.curator/curator.yml, while on a Windows system, it might be C:\Users\username\.curator\curator.yml

If --dry-run is included, Curator will simulate the action(s) in ACTION_FILE.YML as closely as possible without actually making any changes. The results will be in the logfile, or STDOUT/command-line if no logfile is specified.

ACTION_FILE.YML is a YAML actionfile.

Command-line help is never far away:

curator --help

The help output looks like this:

$ curator --help
Usage: curator [OPTIONS] ACTION_FILE

  Curator for Elasticsearch indices.


  --config PATH  Path to configuration file. Default: ~/.curator/curator.yml
  --dry-run      Do not perform any changes.
  --version      Show the version and exit.
  --help         Show this message and exit.