

From the Elasticsearch Open/Close API documentation

The open and close index APIs allow to close an index, and later on re-open it. A closed index has almost no overhead on the cluster (except for maintaining its metadata & the disk space it consumes), and is blocked for read/write operations. A closed index can be opened which will then go through the normal recovery process.

Sometimes it makes sense to close an index so as to reduce cluster overhead, but meet data retention requirements. The close command makes it possible to do in a scripted way.

Starting with Curator 3.2.0, if you have Elasticsearch 1.6.0 or later, the close command will attempt to perform a synced flush, or seal each index before closing, which should lead to faster recovery times.


$ curator close --help
Usage: curator close [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Close indices

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  indices  Index selection.


This command requires the indices subcommand for index selection.


Close matching indices:

curator close indices <<index selection parameters>>