Deploy Beatsedit

If you do not have an Elasticsearch cluster with Kibana available, see Installing the Elastic Stack and deploy Elasticsearch and Kibana, then come back to this page to deploy Beats.

Kubernetes secretsedit

Rather than putting the Elasticsearch and Kibana endpoints into the manifest files they are provided to the Filebeat pods as k8s secrets. Edit the files elasticsearch-hosts-ports and kibana-host-port. The files provided in the example contain details regarding the file format. You should have two files resembling:


["", ""]


Create the secretedit

kubectl create secret generic elastic-stack \
  --from-file=./elasticsearch-hosts-ports \
  --from-file=./kibana-host-port --namespace=kube-system

Deploy data views, visualizations, dashboards, and machine learning jobsedit

Filebeat and Metricbeat provide the configuration for things like web servers, caches, proxies, operating systems, container environments, databases, etc. These are referred to as Beats modules. By deploying these configurations you will be populating Elasticsearch and Kibana with data views, visualizations, dashboards, machine learning jobs, etc.

kubectl create -f filebeat-setup.yaml
kubectl create -f metricbeat-setup.yaml

These setup jobs are short lived, you will see them transition to the completed state in the output of kubectl get pods -n kube-system


kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep beat

Verify that the setup pods complete. Check the logs for the setup pods to ensure that they connected to Elasticsearch and Kibana (the setup pod connects to both).

Deploy the Beat DaemonSetsedit

kubectl create -f filebeat-kubernetes.yaml
kubectl create -f metricbeat-kubernetes.yaml


Check for the running DaemonSets. Verify that there is one Filebeat and Metricbeat pod per k8s Node running.

kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep beat