Elastic Cloud Control (ecctl) v1.2.0edit

Bug fixes | Changelog

Welcome to the v1.2.0 release of Elastic Cloud Control. This version brings new features, some breaking changes, and bug fixes.

Elastic Cloud Control (ecctl) is Elastic’s CLI to manage Elasticsearch Service (ESS) and Elastic Cloud Enterprise (ECE).

Download the release binaries:


Bug fixesedit

Several bug fixes were introduced with the v1.2.0 cloud-sdk-go release. They are the following:

  • Deployment show --generate-update-payload flag fixed. There was an issue where there would be a panic if a deployment was using legacy memory_per_node instead of the size.value notation for sizing.
  • Stack list command output amended. A bug has been fixed where the order of the Elastic Stack versions was incorrect.


df46c2b deps: Update to cloud-sdk-go v1.2.0 (#438)
41939f7 docs: Add text next to ece icon. (https://github.com/elastic/ecctl/pull/425) (#426[#425) (#426])
c1265e1 mod: Update sdk to fix deployment show bug (#422)
b37c690 cmd: Remove generate markdown patch file (#420)
34a7a19 deps: Update SDK to fix --generate-update-payload and stack list (#418)
0611c12 all: Update API error assertions to string (#408)

Release date: February 11, 2021