Create an extensionedit

Creates the extension. The extensions API supports two types of usage patterns. A). Specify a download_url, http or https URL, where the extension is currently hosted. This will result in extension being copied to elastic repository. B). Create only the extension metadata using the POST endpoint and then use PUT to upload the extension file. Leave the download_url unspecified in this case.


POST /api/v1/deployments/extensions

Request bodyedit

(CreateExtensionRequest) (required) the data that creates the extension



(Extension) The extension that was just created.


x-cloud-resource-created (string)
The date-time when the resource was created (ISO format relative to UTC)
x-cloud-resource-last-modified (string)
The date-time when the resource was last modified (ISO format relative to UTC)
x-cloud-resource-version (string)
The resource version, which is used to avoid update conflicts with concurrent operations

(BasicFailedReply) Could not download the extension from the specified URL. (code: extensions.request_execution_failed)


x-cloud-error-codes (string; allowed values: [extensions.request_execution_failed])
The error codes associated with the response

(BasicFailedReply) Your current session does not have a user id associated with it. (code: extensions.no_user_id)


x-cloud-error-codes (string; allowed values: [extensions.no_user_id])
The error codes associated with the response

(BasicFailedReply) An extension already exists with the generated id. Please try again. (code: extensions.id_already_exists)


x-cloud-error-codes (string; allowed values: [extensions.id_already_exists])
The error codes associated with the response

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods: apiKey, basicAuth.

Request exampleedit

curl -XPOST https://{{hostname}}/api/v1/deployments/extensions \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey $ECE_API_KEY" \
-d '
   "description" : "string",
   "download_url" : "string",
   "extension_type" : "string",
   "name" : "string",
   "version" : "string"