
A user's authentication info


elevated_permissions_expire_at (string as date-time)
The UTC time when elevated permissions will expire, if the user has elevated permissions
has_elevated_permissions (boolean, required)
True if the user has elevated permissions
has_totp_device (boolean, required)
True if the user has an available TOTP device
refresh_token_url (string, required)
The API to be used when refreshing the current user's JWT
totp_device_source (string; allowed values: [native, okta], required)
The TOTP device source
totp_device_source_enable_mfa_href (string)
URL for configuring an MFA TOTP device. Does not apply when totp_device_source is 'native'.


   "elevated_permissions_expire_at" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "has_elevated_permissions" : true,
   "has_totp_device" : true,
   "refresh_token_url" : "string",
   "totp_device_source" : "string",
   "totp_device_source_enable_mfa_href" : "string"