Enable elevated permissionsedit

Enables the elevated permissions for the current user. Elevated permissions allow the user to complete potentially destructive operations on clusters. Elevated permissions are available for a limited period of time and automatically expire if you do not renew them


POST /api/v1/users/auth/_elevate

Request bodyedit

(ElevatePermissionsRequest) (required) The request for elevated permissions



(TokenResponse) Elevated permissions are enabled and the authorization token was generated.


(BasicFailedReply) Missed or invalid MFA token

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by means of one of the following methods: apiKey, basicAuth.

Request exampleedit

curl -XPOST {{hostname}}/api/v1/users/auth/_elevate \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
   "token" : "string"