Manage Node Configurationsedit

By default, Elastic Cloud Enterprise provisions clusters at a ratio of 1 GB of RAM for every 32 GB of storage. This ratio is applied whenever you create or resize a cluster and works well for many workloads, but it does not address all possible scenarios. For some workloads, different ratios are preferred:

  • For memory-intensive search workloads, more RAM (less storage) can improve performance. Use high-performance SSDs drives and a RAM-to-storage ratio for users of 1:16 (or even 1:8). For example, if you use a ratio of 1:16, a cluster with 4GB of RAM will get 64GB of storage allocated to it.
  • For logging workloads, more storage space can be more cost effective. Use a RAM-to-storage ratio of 1:48 to 1:96, as data sizes are typically much larger compared to the RAM needed for logging. A cost effective solution might be to step down from SSDs to spinning media, such as high-performance server disks. For example, if you use a ratio of 1:96, a cluster with 4GB of RAM will get 384 of storage allocated to it.

For Elastic Cloud Enterprise 1.0.2, your hosts should provide RAM and storage to match the node configurations you use. For example, if you set a RAM-to-storage ratio for logging workloads of 1:96, your hosts should provide a similar RAM-to-storage ratio, or you will end up underutilizing either RAM or storage. In a future release, you will be able to map node configurations to specific allocators, so that you can configure your Elastic Cloud Enterprise installation more easily.

Change the Default Node Configurationedit

To change the default RAM-to-storage ratio for the default node configuration from the command line using the v0.1 RESTful API:

  1. Issue a login API call to obtain the token needed for Step 2:

    curl -XPOST https://COORDINATOR_HOST:12443/api/v0.1/login -d '{ "username": "root", "password": "ROOT_PASSWORD" }'
    The token returned by the login API call.
  1. Update the default multiplier that determines the RAM-to-storage ratio:

    curl -XPUT --header "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN" "https://COORDINATOR_HOST:12443/api/v0.1/regions/ece-region/node_types/elasticsearch/default" -d '{"node_type_id":"default","overrides":{"instance_data":{"overrides":{"quota":{"fs_multiplier":NEW_MULTIPLIER}}}}}}'
    The token returned by the login API call in the previous step.
    The default multiplier that determines the RAM-to-storage ratio. For example, a multiplier of 64 sets the ratio to 1:64.

After you update the multiplier, the new RAM-to-storage ratio is used as the default when you create new clusters or when you change the configuration of existing ones.