Redis Outputedit

The Redis output inserts the events in a Redis list. This output plugin is compatible with the Redis input plugin for Logstash.

Example configuration:

    # Set the host and port where to find Redis.
    host: "localhost"
    port: 6379

    # Uncomment out this option if you want to store the topology in Redis.
    # The default is false.
    save_topology: true

    # Optional index name. The default is winlogbeat and generates winlogbeat keys.
    index: "winlogbeat"

    # Optional Redis database number where the events are stored
    # The default is 0.
    db: 0

    # Optional Redis database number where the topology is stored
    # The default is 1. It must have a different value than db.
    db_topology: 1

    # Optional password to authenticate with. By default, no
    # password is set.
    # password: ""

    # Optional Redis initial connection timeout in seconds.
    # The default is 5 seconds.
    timeout: 5

    # Optional interval for reconnecting to failed Redis connections.
    # The default is 1 second.
    reconnect_interval: 1

Redis Output Optionsedit

You can specify the following options in the redis section:


The host of the Redis server.


The port of the Redis server.


The Redis database number where the events are published. The default is 0.


The Redis database number where the topology information is stored. The default is 1.


The name of the Redis list where the events are published. The default is "winlogbeat".


The password to authenticate with. The default is no authentication.


The Redis initial connection timeout in seconds. The default is 5 seconds.


The interval for reconnecting failed Redis connections. The default is 1 second.


The maximum number of events to buffer internally during publishing. The default is 2048.

Specifying a larger batch size may add some latency and buffering during publishing. However, for Redis output, this setting does not affect how events are published.

Setting bulk_max_size to values less than or equal to 0 disables buffering in libbeat.