Configure the Kibana endpoint


Configure the Kibana endpointedit

Kibana dashboards are loaded into Kibana via the Kibana API. This requires a Kibana endpoint configuration. For details on authenticating to the Kibana API, see Authentication.

You configure the endpoint in the setup.kibana section of the filebeat.yml config file.

Here is an example configuration: "http://localhost:5601"

Configuration optionsedit

You can specify the following options in the setup.kibana section of the filebeat.yml config file:


The Kibana host where the dashboards will be loaded. The default is The value of host can be a URL or IP:PORT. For example:, 192:15.3.2:5601 or If no port is specified, 5601 is used.

When a node is defined as an IP:PORT, the scheme and path are taken from the setup.kibana.protocol and setup.kibana.path config options.

IPv6 addresses must be defined using the following format: https://[2001:db8::1]:5601.


The name of the protocol Kibana is reachable on. The options are: http or https. The default is http. However, if you specify a URL for host, the value of protocol is overridden by whatever scheme you specify in the URL.

Example config: ""
setup.kibana.protocol: "http"
setup.kibana.path: /kibana


The basic authentication username for connecting to Kibana. If you don’t specify a value for this setting, Filebeat uses the username specified for the Elasticsearch output.


The basic authentication password for connecting to Kibana. If you don’t specify a value for this setting, Filebeat uses the password specified for the Elasticsearch output.


An HTTP path prefix that is prepended to the HTTP API calls. This is useful for the cases where Kibana listens behind an HTTP reverse proxy that exports the API under a custom prefix.

The Kibana space ID to use. If specified, Filebeat loads Kibana assets into this Kibana space. Omit this option to use the default space.


Custom HTTP headers to add to each request sent to Kibana. Example:

  X-My-Header: Header contents


Enables Filebeat to use SSL settings when connecting to Kibana via HTTPS. If you configure Filebeat to connect over HTTPS, this setting defaults to true and Filebeat uses the default SSL settings.

Example configuration: ""
setup.kibana.ssl.enabled: true
setup.kibana.ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/etc/client/ca.pem"]
setup.kibana.ssl.certificate: "/etc/client/cert.pem"
setup.kibana.ssl.key: "/etc/client/cert.key

See SSL for more information.