APM version 7.17edit

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APM version 7.17.22edit

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No significant changes.

APM version 7.17.21edit

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The known issue introduced in version 7.17.20 causing failure in APM-server startup due to failure to bootstrap the fleet-server has been resolved.

APM version 7.17.20edit

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Known issueedit

An issue with the failure to bootstrap fleet-server with self-signed certificates causes failures in APM-server startup. This is due to an update in beats dependencies where the certificate validation was completely rewritten. The issue also prevents bootstrapping fleet-server in ESS and thus causes failure in APM-server startup in ESS. This issue is planned to be fixed in version 7.17.21. We recommend skipping this version and waiting until the next version to upgrade.

APM version 7.17.19edit

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No significant changes.

APM version 7.17.18edit

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No significant changes.

APM version 7.17.17edit

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No significant changes.

APM version 7.17.16edit

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No significant changes.

APM version 7.17.15edit

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No significant changes.

APM version 7.17.14edit

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No significant changes.

APM version 7.17.13edit

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No significant changes.

APM version 7.17.12edit

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Intake API Changesedit
  • Content-Type and Content-Encoding are no longer required for intake 7686

APM version 7.17.11edit

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No significant changes.

APM version 7.17.10edit

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No significant changes.

APM version 7.17.9edit

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No significant changes.

APM version 7.17.8edit

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No significant changes.

APM version 7.17.7edit

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Breaking changesedit

This APM release updates Go to version 1.18.5. The Go release notes for this version note the following change to TLS:

APM version 7.17.6edit

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Bug fixesedit
  • Fix a bug where an event’s transaction_id is ignored if no transaction object is set 8820

APM version 7.17.5edit

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No significant changes.

APM version 7.17.4edit

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No significant changes.

APM version 7.17.3edit

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Bug fixesedit
  • APM Server will no longer set _doc_count fields when used with an old (<7.11.0) version of Elasticsearch. This metadata field was added in Elasticsearch 7.12.0; setting it in earlier versions causes problems on upgrade. 7704

APM version 7.17.2edit

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Bug fixesedit
  • modelindexer: Fix indexing performance regression due to locking bug 7649

APM version 7.17.1edit

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Bug fixesedit
  • Fix infinite loop in tail-based sampling subscriber causing high CPU and repeated Elasticsearch searches 7211
  • Fix panic when processing OpenTelemetry histogram metrics without bounds 7316
  • Fix waiting for events to be flushed when shutting down APM Server 7352

APM version 7.17.0edit

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  • Change Docker base image from CentOS 7 to Ubuntu 20.04 7101