Supported technologiesedit

The Elastic APM Java agent automatically instruments various APIs, frameworks and application servers. This section lists all supported technologies.

If your favorite technology is not supported yet, you can vote for it by participating in our survey. We will use the results to add support for the most requested technologies.

Another option is to get involved in the development of the agent. See the contributing guide for more details.

If, for example, the HTTP client library of your choice is not listed, it means that there won’t be spans for those outgoing HTTP requests. If the web framework you are using is not supported, the agent does not capture transactions.

Java versionsedit

Vendor Supported versions

Oracle JDK

7, 8, 9, 10

Open JDK

7, 8, 9, 10



Web Frameworksedit

Framework Supported versions Description

Servlet API


A transaction will be created for all incoming HTTP requests to your Servlet API-based application. See also Application Servers/Servlet Containers

Spring Web MVC

4.x, 5.x

If you are using Spring MVC (for example with Spring Boot), the transactions are named based on your controllers (ControllerClass#controllerMethod).

Spring Boot

1.5+, 2.x

Supports embedded Tomcat, Jetty and Undertow

Application Servers/Servlet Containersedit

The Elastic APM Java agent has generic support for the Servlet API 3+. However, some servers require special handling. The servers listed here are tested by an integration test suite to make sure Elastic APM is compatible with them. Other Servlet 3+ compliant servers will most likely work as well.

Server Supported versions


7.x, 8.5.x, 9.x



Jetty (only the ServletContextHandler is supported)

9.2, 9.3, 9.4

WebSphere Liberty

8.5.5, 18.0.x

Undertow Servlet



4.x, 5.x


Database Supported versions Description



The agent automatically creates DB spans for all your JDBC queries. This includes JDBC queries executed by O/R mappers like Hibernate.

Networking frameworksedit

Framework Supported versions Description

Apache HttpClient (incubating)


The agent automatically creates spans for outgoing HTTP requests and propagates tracing headers. The spans are named after the schema <method> <host>.

Spring RestTemplate


The agent automatically creates spans for outgoing HTTP requests and propagates tracing headers. The spans are named after the schema <method> <host>.