




Unpacking the new US executive order on artificial intelligence

On October 30 2023, President Biden signed the Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence, which aims to advance and regulate artificial intelligence (AI) in the US.

Tracking peak time for trick-or-treaters in Kibana

Happy Halloween! Have you ever wondered when is the busy time on the doorstep for trick or treating? Our developer advocate Carly Richmond has been digging into data from https://www.dataplusscience.com/HalloweenData.html using Kibana to find out.

What is Elastic Universal Profiling? A continuous profiling solution for all

In this post, we discuss why computational efficiency is important and how Elastic Universal Profiling enables your business to use continuous profiling in production environments to make the software that runs your business as efficient as possible.

Enrich your Elasticsearch documents within Elasticsearch

With Elasticsearch, we know that joins should be done "at index time" instead of query time. This blog post starts a series of three posts as there are many approaches we can take within the Elastic ecosystem.

Building trust through digital-first citizen experiences

Learn how Elastic can help government agencies use data to elevate citizen experiences based on OMB M-23-22, which offers a policy framework for federal agencies as they continue to optimize online services and information.

Elastic's contribution: Invokedynamic in the OpenTelemetry Java agent

The instrumentation approach in OpenTelemetry's Java Agent comes with some limitations with respect to maintenance and testability. Elastic contributes an invokedynamic-based instrumentation approach that helps overcoming these limitations.

Take control of your Elastic Cloud spend with data-driven insights

We have updated the billing page for our direct monthly, marketplace monthly, and annual customers. The changes include a more user-friendly interface, improved graphical data representations, and repositioned filters for easier navigation.

A CISO’s perspective: Why I’ve read the Elastic Global Threat Report

See how Elastic CISO Mandy Andress is using key findings from the 2023 Elastic Global Threat Report to prepare her teams for the upcoming year.

Deploy a Hello World app with Elastic Observability on Azure Container Apps

Follow the step-by-step process of instrumenting Elastic Observability for a Hello World web app running on Azure Container Apps.