




Improving the Elastic APM UI performance with continuous rollups and service metrics

We made significant improvements to the UI performance in Elastic APM to make it scale with even the most demanding workloads, by pre-aggregating metrics at the service level, and storing the metrics at different levels of granularity.

How we sped up data ingestion in Elasticsearch 8.6, 8.7, and 8.8

Data ingestion involves a lot of things that usually take a non-negligible amount of time. Fortunately, we've got improvements in 8.6, 8.7, and 8.8, which enabled some good speedups for end-to-end ingestion.

The power of generative AI for retail and CPG

Retailers can differentiate themselves by offering next-generation experiences through apps that use Elastic's NLP for product selection. Learn how GAI elevates shopping and how retailers use models within Elasticsearch for enhanced functionality.

Elastic Stack container images signed with Sigstore!

Software supply chain attacks are accelerating. Elastic introduced a new capability of signing the Elastic Stack container images with Sigstore to help verify the provenance before deploying them, and therefore, protect against supply chain attacks.

Elastic Stack 8.8.2 released

Read about the updates and bug fixes that have been included in this release.

Elastic Stack 7.17.11 released

Read about the updates and bug fixes that have been included in this release.

How does Elastic Security drive value to your organization?

With our new Elastic Security Value Calculator, you can easily estimate how Elastic can drive financial gains for your organization. Based on your results, you’ll know how Elastic Security creates efficiencies for you.

Open-sourcing sysgrok — An AI assistant for analyzing, understanding, and optimizing systems

Sysgrok is an experimental proof-of-concept, intended to demonstrate how LLMs can be used to help SWEs and SREs understand systems, debug issues, and optimize performance.

The Elastic Guide to: Getting your first tech job

The time between graduating and starting your first job is an exciting — and overwhelming — time. Get advice from four Elasticians.