




Use a Japanese language NLP model in Elasticsearch to enable semantic searches

This article will explain how to use the Japanese-compatible natural language processing added in Elasticsearch 8.9 to implement semantic search (search for meaning) in Japanese as well as text classification (sentiment analysis) functionality.

The role of generative AI in higher ed IT

Generative AI has the potential to transform the IT landscape at universities, increasing productivity and job satisfaction and leading to better student outcomes. Learn how Elasticsearch can serve as the bridge between private data and LLMs.

10 rules for security leadership

By understanding their organization's DNA and cultivating a collaborative security culture, CISOs can make an indelible impact on their organization's cybersecurity resilience while maximizing their personal performance.

Elastic wins Google Cloud's Global Technology Partner of the Year Award

Elastic has won the 2023 Google Cloud Global Technology Partner of the Year Award. This prestigious award is given to one Google Cloud partner at the forefront of digital innovation working with Google Cloud to solve today's biggest challenges.

How to deploy Hello World Elastic Observability on Google Cloud Run

Follow the step-by-step process of instrumenting Elastic Observability for a Hello World web app running on Google Cloud Run.

Adding passage vector search to Lucene

Discover how we added passage vectors to Apache Lucene, the benefits of doing so, and how existing Lucene structures were used to create an efficient retrieval experience.

Elastic and Google Cloud collaborate on generative AI and security as a part of an expanded partnership

Learn how Elastic and Google Cloud are building on our recent joint success with increased investments to accelerate and extend joint go-to-market activities and drive technology integrations.

Ecommerce marketplace Modalova doubles its revenue by improving search accuracy with Elastic

Gabriel Kaam, the founder of Modalova, implemented Elasticsearch to efficiently handle their vast inventory and deliver more personalized results to customers — resulting in increased conversion rates from 30% to 50% and doubling revenue in a year.

How to successfully lead a team in a distributed workplace

A recent Forbes article showed that 98% of workers want to work remotely at least some of the time, but only 16% of companies operate remotely. Elastic has always operated distributedly — we are distributed by design.