



A Look Back at Elastic Observability in 2021

A year-end review of all the new features and capabilities brought to Elastic Observability in 2021. Learn about how observability built on search is a better solution for monitoring distributed systems, cloud migrations & digital transformation.

How to fix unpatched Windows malware with Elastic

The Elastic Security team has found an unpatched Windows flaw that allows malware to disable security products. Here’s how to fix it using Elastic.

Streamline configuration processes with an official Elastic Stack Terraform provider

The Elastic Stack Terraform provider allows operations and SRE teams to safely manage their production-related infrastructure and fully control the configuration of Elasticsearch, Kibana, Fleet, and any other component within the Elastic Stack.

Elastic's Diane Tetrault on what parenting, scuba diving, and product marketing have in common

We sat down with Diane to learn more about how she balances her passions, her career, and her family, including how her role at Elastic makes all of that possible.

Cloud, personalization, AI, fintech: What’s in store for Financial Services in the year ahead

We expect several trends from 2021 to continue as firms look to build on their digital transformation objectives.

Protecting against CAB-less 40444 FORMBOOK information-stealing campaign

Explore the MSHTML exploitation chain from phishing through the loading of a popular information stealer, FORMBOOK. Additionally, we’ll uncover campaign testing infrastructure through a tradecraft oversight.

Introducing the Elasticsearch vector tile search API

Elasticsearch now delivers geo data in the mapbox vector tile format, greatly improving the speed at which you can display geo-data on a map with Elastic Maps or third party apps. This post walks you through the API and includes a demo.

Extract and analyze Cobalt Strike beacon payloads with Elastic

We explore using Elastic to extract Cobalt Strike beacon payloads from memory and use open source tools to analyze and group threat activity clusters.

Three ways we've improved Elasticsearch scalability

Scale to new heights with Elasticsearch! In 7.16, we made several improvements for faster search, more stable clusters, and a reduced heap footprint.