Beats version 7.3.0


View commits

Breaking changes


Affecting all Beats

  • Update to ECS 1.0.1. 12284 12317
  • Default of output.kafka.metadata.full is set to false by now. This reduced the amount of metadata to be queried from a kafka cluster. 12738


  • convert_timezone option is removed and locale is always added to the event so timezone is used when parsing the timestamp, this behaviour can be overriden with processors. 12410



Affecting all Beats

  • Fix typo in TLS renegotiation configuration and setting the option correctly 10871, 12354
  • Add configurable bulk_flush_frequency in kafka output. 12254
  • Fixed setting bulk max size in kafka output. 12254
  • Add additional nil pointer checks to Docker client code to deal with vSphere Integrated Containers 12628
  • Fix seccomp policy preventing some features to function properly on 32bit Linux systems. 12990 13008


  • Package dataset: Close librpm handle. 12215
  • Package dataset: Improve dpkg parsing. 12325
  • Host dataset: Fix reboot detection logic. 12591
  • Add syscalls used by librpm for the system/package dataset to the default Auditbeat seccomp policy. 12578 12617
  • Host dataset: Export Host fields to gob encoder. 12940


  • Parse timezone in PostgreSQL logs as part of the timestamp 12338
  • When TLS is configured for the TCP input and a certificate_authorities is configured we now default to required for the client_authentication. 12584
  • Syslog input will now omit the process object from events if it is empty. 12700
  • Apply max_message_size to incoming message buffer. 11966



  • Iterate over journal correctly, so no duplicate entries are sent. 12716
  • Preserve host name when reading from remote journal. 12714


  • Refactored Windows perfmon metricset: replaced method to retrieve counter paths with PdhExpandWildCardPathW, separated code by responsibility, removed unused functions 12212
  • Validate that kibana/status metricset cannot be used when xpack is enabled. 12264
  • In the kibana/stats metricset, only log error (don’t also index it) if xpack is enabled. 12265
  • Fix an issue listing all processes when run under Windows as a non-privileged user. 12301 12475
  • When TLS is configured for the http metricset and a certificate_authorities is configured we now default to required for the client_authentication. 12584
  • Reuse connections in PostgreSQL metricsets. 12504 12603
  • PdhExpandWildCardPathW will not expand counter paths in 32 bit windows systems, workaround will use a different function.[12590]12622
  • Print errors that were being omitted in vSphere metricsets 12816
  • In the elasticsearch/node_stats metricset, if xpack is enabled, make parsing of ES node load average optional as ES on Windows doesn’t report load average. 12866
  • Fix incoherent behaviour in redis key metricset when keyspace is specified both in host URL and key pattern 12913
  • Fix connections leak in redis module 12914 12950




Affecting all Beats

  • Add proxy_disable output flag to explicitly ignore proxy environment variables. 11713 12243
  • Processor add_cloud_metadata adds fields and for AWS EC2. 12307
  • Add decode_base64_field processor for decoding base64 field. 11914
  • Add aws overview dashboard. 11007 12175
  • Add decompress_gzip_field processor. 12733
  • Add timestamp processor for parsing time fields. 12699
  • Add Oracle Tablespaces Dashboard 12736
  • Add proxy_disable output flag to explicitly ignore proxy environment variables. 11713 12243



  • Add timeouts on communication with docker daemon. 12310
  • Add specific date processor to convert timezones so same pipeline can be used when convert_timezone is enabled or disabled. 12253
  • Add MSSQL module 12079
  • Add ISO8601 date parsing support for system module. 12568 12579
  • Update Kubernetes deployment manifest to use container input. 12632
  • Add google-pubsub input type for consuming messages from a Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic subscription. 12746
  • Add module for ingesting Cisco IOS logs over syslog. 12748
  • Add module for ingesting Google Cloud VPC flow logs. 12747
  • Report host metadata for Filebeat logs in Kubernetes. 12790


  • Add overview dashboard to Consul module 10665
  • New fields were added in the mysql/status metricset. 12227
  • Add Kubernetes metricset proxy. 12312
  • Always report Pod UID in the pod metricset. 12345
  • Add Vsphere Virtual Machine operating system to os field in Vsphere virtualmachine module. 12391
  • Add CockroachDB module. 12467
  • Add support for metricbeat modules based on existing modules (a.k.a. light modules) 12270 12465
  • Add a system/entropy metricset 12450
  • Add kubernetes metricset controllermanager 12409
  • Allow redis URL format in redis hosts config. 12408
  • Add tags into ec2 metricset. 1226312263 12372
  • Add kubernetes metricset scheduler 12521
  • Add Kubernetes scheduler dashboard to Kubernetes module 12749
  • Add beat module. 12181 12615
  • Collect tags for cloudwatch metricset in aws module. 1226312263 12480
  • Add AWS RDS metricset. 11620 10054
  • Add Oracle Module 11890
  • Add Kubernetes proxy dashboard to Kubernetes module 12734
  • Add Kubernetes controller manager dashboard to Kubernetes module 12744


  • Export automation templates used to create functions. 11923
  • Configurable Amazon endpoint. 12369




  • postgresql.log.timestamp field is deprecated in favour of @timestamp. 12338