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Enterprise Search Quick Start

In this 3-step Quick Start series, you'll learn about Elastic Enterprise Search: modern, natural search experiences with pretuned relevance for your apps and websites. See how quickly you can get set up, ingest data, discover the search interface, and analyze and tune a search engine for your needs. Topics include what is Elastic Enterprise Search, indexing data into Elastic Enterprise Search, and analyzing and refining search.

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Now it's your turn

Now that you've watched the Quick Start video, follow the steps below to practice what you've learned. If you don't have an Elastic Cloud instance, spin up a 14-day free trial.

  • Step 1

    1. Create a "Quick Start: Enterprise Search" deployment.
    2. Launch Elastic Enterprise Search.
  • Step 2

    1. Log in to your deployment.
    2. Select Elastic Enterprise Search.
    3. Create an Elasticsearch index.
    4. Ingest data using your preferred way: Web crawler, connectors, or API.
    5. Create an App Search engine.
    6. Search in the content of the documents.
  • Step 3

    1. Go to the App Search Engine dashboard.
    2. Click on Reference UI and search/aggregate different terms.
    3. Click on Relevance Tuning, then use a field to change the relevance of a query.
    4. Search and check the new results ranking.
    5. Click on Synonyms and create some synonyms.
    6. Search for the synonyms and check the new results.
    7. Click on Curation and curate a document for a query.
    8. Search and check the new ranking with the curated document.