Enterprise Search settings in Kibana


Enterprise Search settings in Kibana


On Elastic Cloud, you do not need to configure any settings to use Enterprise Search in Kibana. It is enabled by default. On self-managed installations, you must configure enterpriseSearch.host.

The http(s) URL of your Enterprise Search instance. For example, in a local self-managed setup, set this to http://localhost:3002. Authentication between Kibana and the Enterprise Search host URL, such as via OAuth, is not supported. You can also configure Kibana to trust your Enterprise Search TLS certificate authority.
When launching the Enterprise Search UI, the maximum number of milliseconds for Kibana to wait for a response from Enterprise Search before considering the attempt failed and logging a warning. Default: 5000.
When launching the Enterprise Search UI, the maximum number of milliseconds for Kibana to wait for a response from Enterprise Search before logging a warning. Default: 300.