Create rule API


Create Kibana rules.

For the most up-to-date API details, refer to the open API specification.



POST <kibana host>:<port>/api/alerting/rule/<id>

POST <kibana host>:<port>/s/<space_id>/api/alerting/rule/<id>



You must have all privileges for the appropriate Kibana features, depending on the consumer and rule_type_id of the rules you’re creating. For example, the Management > Stack Rules feature, Analytics > Discover and Machine Learning features, Observability, and Security features. If the rule has actions, you must also have read privileges for the Management > Actions and Connectors feature. For more details, refer to Feature privileges.

Path parameters

(Optional, string) Specifies a UUID v1 or v4 to use instead of a randomly generated ID.
(Optional, string) An identifier for the space. If space_id is not provided in the URL, the default space is used.

Request body


(Optional, object array) An array of action objects.

Properties of the action objects:
(Required, string) Grouping actions is recommended for escalations for different types of alerts. If you don’t need this, set this value to default.
(Required, string) The ID of the connector saved object, which you can obtain by using Get all connectors.
(Required, object) The map to the params that the connector type will receive. ` params` are handled as Mustache templates and passed a default set of context.
(Required, string) The name of the application or feature that owns the rule. For example: alerts, apm, discover, infrastructure, logs, metrics, ml, monitoring, securitySolution, siem, stackAlerts, or uptime.
(Optional, boolean) Indicates if you want to run the rule on an interval basis after it is created.
(Required, string) The name of the rule. While this name does not have to be unique, a distinctive name can help you identify a rule.

(Required, string) Defines how often alerts generate actions. Valid values are:

  • onActionGroupChange: Actions run when the alert status changes.
  • onActiveAlert: Actions run when the alert becomes active and at each check interval while the rule conditions are met.
  • onThrottleInterval: Actions run when the alert becomes active and at the interval specified in the throttle property while the rule conditions are met.
(Required, object) The parameters to pass to the rule type executor params value. This will also validate against the rule type params validator, if defined.
(Required, string) The ID of the rule type that you want to call when the rule is scheduled to run. For example, .es-query, .index-threshold, logs.alert.document.count, monitoring_alert_cluster_health, siem.thresholdRule, or For more information, refer to Rule types.
(Required, object) The check interval, which specifies how frequently the rule conditions are checked. The interval must be specified in seconds, minutes, hours or days. For example: { "interval": "10s" }, { "interval": "5m" }, { "interval": "1h" }, or { "interval": "1d" }.
(Optional, string array) A list of tag names that are applied to a rule.
(Optional, string) Defines how often an alert generates repeated actions. This custom action interval must be specified in seconds, minutes, hours, or days. For example, 10m or 1h. This property is used only if notify_when is onThrottleInterval.

Response codes

Indicates a successful call.



Create an index threshold rule that has actions associated with a server log connector:

POST api/alerting/rule
         "group":"threshold met",
            "message":"Rule '{{}}' is active for group '{{}}':\n\n- Value: {{context.value}}\n- Conditions Met: {{context.conditions}} over {{rule.params.timeWindowSize}}{{rule.params.timeWindowUnit}}\n- Timestamp: {{}}"
   "name":"my alert"

The API returns the following:

  "id": "41893910-6bca-11eb-9e0d-85d233e3ee35",
  "consumer": "alerts",
  "tags": ["cpu"],
  "name": "my alert",
  "enabled": true,
  "throttle": null,
  "schedule": {"interval": "1m"},
  "params": {
    "aggType": "avg",
    "termSize": 6,
    "thresholdComparator": ">",
    "timeWindowSize": 5,
    "timeWindowUnit": "m",
    "groupBy": "top",
    "threshold": [1000],
    "index": [".test-index"],
    "timeField": "@timestamp",
    "aggField": "sheet.version",
    "termField": "name.keyword"
  "rule_type_id": ".index-threshold",
  "scheduled_task_id": "425b0800-6bca-11eb-9e0d-85d233e3ee35",
  "created_by": "elastic",
  "updated_by": "elastic",
  "created_at": "2022-06-08T17:20:31.632Z",
  "updated_at": "2022-06-08T17:20:31.632Z",
  "api_key_owner": "elastic",
  "notify_when": "onActionGroupChange",
  "mute_all": false,
  "muted_alert_ids": [],
  "execution_status": {
    "last_execution_date": "2022-06-08T17:20:31.632Z",
    "status": "pending"
  "actions": [
      "group": "threshold met",
      "id": "dceeb5d0-6b41-11eb-802b-85b0c1bc8ba2",
      "params": {
        "level": "info",
        "message": "Rule {{}} is active for group {{}}:\n\n- Value: {{context.value}}\n- Conditions Met: {{context.conditions}} over {{rule.params.timeWindowSize}}{{rule.params.timeWindowUnit}}\n- Timestamp: {{}}"
      "connector_type_id": ".server-log"