Get started


Ready to try out Kibana and see what it can do? To quickest way to get started with Kibana is to set up on Cloud, then add a sample data set that helps you get a handle on the full range of Kibana features.

Set up on cloud


There’s no faster way to get started than with our hosted Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud:

  1. Get a free trial.
  2. Log into Elastic Cloud.
  3. Click Create deployment.
  4. Give your deployment a name.
  5. Click Create deployment and download the password for the elastic user.

That’s it! Now that you are up and running, it’s time to get some data into Kibana. Kibana will open as soon as your deployment is ready.

Get data into Kibana


The easiest way to get data into Kibana is to add a sample data set.

Kibana has several sample data sets that you can use before loading your own data:

  • Sample eCommerce orders includes visualizations for tracking product-related information, such as cost, revenue, and price.
  • Sample flight data includes visualizations for monitoring flight routes.
  • Sample web logs includes visualizations for monitoring website traffic.

To use the sample data sets:

  1. Go to the home page.
  2. Click Load a data set and a Kibana dashboard.
  3. Click View data and view the prepackaged dashboards, maps, and more.
add sample data

The timestamps in the sample data sets are relative to when they are installed. If you uninstall and reinstall a data set, the timestamps change to reflect the most recent installation.

Next steps

  • To get a hands-on experience creating visualizations, follow the add sample data tutorial.
  • If you’re ready to load an actual data set and build a dashboard, follow the build your own dashboard tutorial.