String Field Formatters


String fields support the String and Url formatters.

The String field formatter can apply the following transformations to the field’s contents:

  • Convert to lowercase
  • Convert to uppercase
  • Convert to title case
  • Apply the short dots transformation, which replaces the content before a . character with the first character of that content, as in the following example:





The Url field formatter can take on the following types:

  • The Link type turn the contents of the field into an URL.
  • The Image type can be used to specify an image directory where a specified image is located.
  • The Audio type can be used to specify an audio directory where a specified audio file is located.

You can customize either type of URL field formats with templates. A URL template enables you to add specific values to a partial URL. Use the string {{value}} to add the contents of the field to a fixed URL.

For example, when:

  • A field contains a user ID
  • That field uses the Url field formatter
  • The URI template is{­{value}­}

The resulting URL replaces {{value}} with the user ID from the field.

The {{value}} template string URL-encodes the contents of the field. When a field encoded into a URL contains non-ASCII characters, these characters are replaced with a % character and the appropriate hexadecimal code. For example, field contents users/admin result in the URL template adding users%2Fadmin.

When the formatter type is set to Image, the {{value}} template string specifies the name of an image at the specified URI.

When the formatter type is set to Audio, the {{value}} template string specifies the name of an audio file at the specified URI.

In order to pass unescaped values directly to the URL, use the {{rawValue}} string.

A Label Template enables you to specify a text string that displays instead of the raw URL. You can use the {{value}} template string normally in label templates. You can also use the {{url}} template string to display the formatted URL.