Elastic Advent Calendar 2017, Week 2

Week two of the Elastic Advent Calendar has been a busy one! If you’re just joining us, this calendar is how we’re celebrating the end of the year — by sharing a daily Elastic Stack tip in our community discussion forums. You can catch up on the first week by heading over here.

In this batch, we’ve got posts in Chinese, English, German, Portuguese, Italian, and Japanese, and covered everything from text analysis to migrating data with the reindex API to analyzing your hockey game and cryptocurrencies with the Elastic Stack.

You can follow along live by checking out or subscribing to the Advent Calendar Discuss category, or watch for the daily tweeting on @elastic.

Here’s a sample of what we’ve posted from our second week

Dec 8: [CN][Elasticsearch] Migrate your data to 6.x with reindex API and tips by Medcl Zeng

Elasticsearch 从 6.0 开始,不支持多个 type 了,所以如果你的旧索引有多个 type 的话,这样直接 reindex 会失败的。 怎么解决呢?这里有个小技巧就是可以分别按 type 来进行导入,reindex 支持查询条件来过滤要导入的数据,也就是一个 type 一个新索引,同样记得先创建好索引并进行相应的 setting 和 mapping 设置。

Dec 9: [EN][Kibana] A Competitive Edge in Sports by Jordan Sissel

I play adult league ice hockey here in California. I don’t make time to practice, so my only ice time is during games. Given this, is there something I can do between games to give my team an edge? Yes! GRAPHS! Everybody loves graphs, right? Our hockey league posts the score sheets online, and after putting these sheets into Elasticsearch, I can build a pre-game report in Kibana

Dec 10 [DE][ElasticStack] Centralised application logs with the elastic stack by Philipp Krenn

Sobald man mehrere Server, Applikationen oder Container im Einsatz hat, besteht früher oder später der Bedarf an einer zentralen Logging-Lösung. Dabei bietet sich der Elastic Stack als flexible und gleichzeitig leistungsfähige Lösung an. Doch wie speichert man seine Applikations-Logs am einfachsten? Dafür wollen wir uns drei verschiedene Ansätze jeweils mit einer möglichen Implementierung sowie ihren jeweiligen Vor- und Nachteilen ansehen.

Dec 11: [PT-BR][Elasticsearch] Must I index parent before child? by Thiago Souza

Em um mapeamento Parent/Child, não é necessário que o documento pai tenha sido indexado primeiro para indexar o documento filho. Sendo assim é possível indexar o documento filho primeiro, antes do pai ser indexado. O único requisito é que, ao indexar o documento filho, é preciso saber o ID do documento pai de antemão.

Dec 12: [IT][ElasticStack] Tracking cryptocurrenceis: Elastic Stack FTW by Atonio Bonuccelli

Bitcoin e le "crypto-valute" in generale continuano a riscuotere molto interesse per gli addetti ai lavori ma non solo. Oggi vedremo come poter monitorare le performance di queste valute con Elastic Stack e CoinMarketCap API Vogliamo anche far uso di una nuova fantastica feature di Logstash che ci consente di modificare le nostre pipelines direttamente da Kibana UI senza dover riavviare Logstash dopo ogni modifica

Dec 13: [EN][Beats] Moving to the Beat: Filebeat config updates in 6.x by Aaron Aldrich

I ran into the Filebeat modules when I was re-familiarizing myself with 5.X (ironically just weeks before the 6.0 release) and loved how simple it was to set up shipping of some common logs to Elasticsearch and load basic dashboards to get started on a new project quickly.

Dec 14: [JP][Elasticsearch] How to use _analyze API for understanding text analysis by Jun Ohtani

転置インデックスとは? 全文検索のインデックスとして用いられるデータ形式の1つです。 書籍の後ろにある「索引」(Index)を想像していただくのが一番わかりやすいのですが、 調べたい「単語」を見つけると、その単語が出てくる「ページ番号」がわかります。 これが書籍の索引です。書籍の場合は、著者や編集者が索引に載せるべき単語を抽出します。

Happy reading! If you’re looking for other great pieces of reading, we recommend checking out our inspiration calendars — the Elastic Stack calendar on Qiita (fully in Japanese) and SysAdvent (in English). And don’t be afraid to leave some feedback on the posts — we’d love to hear your thoughts!