Keeping up with Kibana: This week in Kibana for August 27, 2018

Welcome to Keeping up with Kibana! This is a series of posts on new developments in the Kibana project and any related learning resources and events.

Hiring - 7 Openings!


Spaces work continues! Our prerequisite PRs to make Advanced UI Settings space-aware are both ready for review, and will hopefully merge this week. We’ve also spent some time fine-tuning the wording and overall user experience across the entire Spaces feature. Additionally, we’ve done the initial coding for an experimental public Spaces API, which is ready for review.

The PR to allow Spaces to be disabled/uninstalled is still going through review, and and PR to secure access to spaces is still being worked on, but making great progress!


The team had a localization architecture review last Thursday to talk through the architecture,  timeline, and demo the files have been translated.


Elastic Maps Service
  • Added new boundary layers for Ireland, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Netherlands, UK, and Spain. See for details
  • New blog post on how to use Region Maps and EMS for mapping server-traffic by country-region
  • The migration to the new EMS file service backend is complete. We are investigating  some minor zombie traffic to the old service.
  • Started work on 6.5 Kibana tasks, which includes improving the messaging around zoom level restrictions, and improve how Kibana stores links to layers from EMS.

Canvas integration

This week was kind of a big deal. We started the process of merging into X-Pack and it’s going well! We’ve also been working on some other fun stuff, fixing bugs, and generally cleaning things up for wider release.

Autocomplete is coming

This is early, really early, but autocomplete is making swift progress.

Goodbye red boxes

We now display a more discrete warning triangle if things go off the rails. You can still see the nitty gritty by clicking the triangle, but the new interface is less obtrusive.

Plugin loader merged

We merged the new plugin loader, but we’re giving it a few days to bake before cutting a release on it. We also found and fixed a particularly nefarious bug that was causing us to load 2 versions of EUI, so that’s a big win!

Of course there’s more

This is just a highlight reel, and it’s mostly just the most screenshotable of what we’ve been crafting over here. We also fixed a handful of bugs and made existing experiences more explainable, including improved error handling for oversized workpad and invalid SQL queries. We also fixed a bug in deselecting elements, added a notification for copying asset ids, and added support for boolean fields in both the SQL and esdocs datasources.

Team summaries


The design team is focused on our Less -> Sass styling conversion crusade in Kibana. We’re coming against some blockers that the Ops team is helping out on. On the Design front we’re helping out converting the Query and Datepicker in Kibana to using EUI components. We’ve delivered both as patterns within EUI.


  • Update tooltip positioning when content updates #1116
  • EuiComboBox single select styling, additions #1139
  • Various small (mostly style) fixes #1145
  • Add euiStat #1146
  • Searchbar: Allow : as an unescaped character, [un]escape all reserved characters #1149
  • Controlled searchbar #1153
  • Disable pointer-events on disabled children within EuiTooltip #1157
  • Fix color contrast function #1158


  • Progress continues on Index Lifecycle Management and Rollups
  • For ILM, console will be updated to include its APIs in autocomplete #22768
  • We’ve made progress on the rollup-job-creation wizard, including form validation, links to documentation, and internationalized copy. 


  • Add "Create rollup job" wizard foundation and logistics step (#22381)
  • Extract index pattern validation rules into ui/public (#22606)
  • Fix missing email address on account screen (#22652)
  • Mgmt saved object test (#22564)
  • Functional test to surface index version conflicts (#22509)


  • Refactoring the client vendors dll solution and the clean tasks associated.
  • Upgrading to Hapi 17
  • Making progress on Supporting a global SCSS file


  • Kibana configs are now loaded, merged and augmented with overrides (from CLI args, keystore and env variables) by the core/new-platform now (#21956)
  • Some portions of config is validated by the core now and it didn't account for IPv6 addresses in ``, just an oversight (fixed in #22469)
  • We relaxed ESLint `no-multi-str` rule so that we can use proper localizable multiline strings (#22525)
  • kibana master 22128 [kfetch] Add support for interceptors Fixes elastic/kibana#19060, elastic/kibana(#21982)
  • kibana master # 22430 Saved Objects Client handle RequestEntityTooLarge error from Elasticsearch


  • Functional test to surface index version conflicts( #22509)
  • Management Saved Object Test( #22564)
  • Flaky Test Hunt and Fix


  • Chrome-remote-interface replaced with the Chrome supported puppeteer!( #21788)
    • Fixed a bunch of reporting issues and bugs in one fell swoop!
    • Chromium tests back on
    • Reporting test flakiness, which turned out to be a legit bug, fixed.  (#22588)
  • EUI-ifying continues full steam ahead:
    • Share EUI checked in( #22596)
    • Reporting panel in EUI in progress
  • Inspector for saved searches added (#22376)
  • Accessibility fixes (#22467)
  • Typescripting continues


Last week we finished one large refactoring that brings our tabify response handler to a new format  (#19061)

  • Fix link in embed visualize docs (#22557)
  • Fix possible flakiness of saveVisualization action (#22356)
  • Simplified tabify (#19061)
  • Fix issue with heatmap showing black tiles (#20753)
  • Add option to drop partial buckets from date_histogram visuals (#19979)
  • Fix "visualize app linked saved searched should allow adding filters while having a linked saved search" (#22380)
  • fixing flaky visualize data_table_nontimeindex test (#22288)
  • [Doc]: add calendar vis plugin link to docs (#22366)
